Goals Achievement Partnership (GAP) Survey Why the GAP survey was administered
Reasons for the GAP Survey To gain an understanding of what staff perceives as the three biggest problems (GAPS) preventing staff from assisting CalWORKs customers participate in WTW activities To gather staff ideas on how these problems may be solved To assess differences in perception between line staff and administration To assess who “walks the talk” when it comes to providing leadership for the Monterey County Values
Overall Goal To improve our services to Monterey County CalWORKs customers and assist them toward self-sufficiency in the remaining time available on their Welfare-To-Work (WTW) time clocks
Breakdown of GAP Respondents DivisionLine StaffAdminTotal Employment Services Benefits35944 Staff Development 044 System Support 112 Fiscal224 Services415 Total522981
Problem Identification (GAPS) What do you believe are the three biggest problems (GAPS) preventing staff from assisting CalWORKs customers move toward participation in employment or training activities?
“Three Biggest Problems” (Employment Services) Line Staff Caseloads and Insufficient Number of Staff Providing Services to Special Customer Populations Lack of Training (staff knowledge) Administration Caseloads and Insufficient Number of Staff Lack of Systems Support to Make Informed Decisions Lack of Training (customer service)
“Three Biggest Problems/GAPS” (Benefits Division) Line Staff High Caseloads Low Morale Lack of Time With Customers Administration High Caseloads Lack of Time With Customers Lack of Follow-Up With Sanctioned Customers
What changes in current practices would you recommend to improve staff’s ability to help move CalWORKs customers toward participation in employment or training activities? (Employment Services) Line Staff Reduce the Size of Caseloads Increase Number of Trainings and Improve Quality Improve WTW Caseload Management Administration Reduce the Size of Caseloads Increase Number of Trainings and Improve Quality Improve Collaboration Between CWES/Benefits Divisions
What impact will your recommendations have on current programs and services? (Employment Services) Line Staff Better Service to Customers Improved Staff Knowledge Administration Better Service to Customers More Knowledgeable Staff Base
What changes in current practices would you recommend to improve staff’s ability to help move CalWORKs customers toward participation in employment or training activities? (Benefits Division) Line Staff Reduce the Size of Caseloads Transfer all WTW Responsibilities to CWES Provide WTW Policy & Systems Training Administration Reduce the Size of Caseloads Co-locate CalWORKs Benefits Workers With CWES workers Agency Effectiveness
What impact will your recommendation have on current programs and services? (Benefits Division) Line Staff More Time With Customers Increase Quality Service Improve WTW Staff Knowledge Base Administration More Time With Customers Increase Quality Service Agency Effectiveness: Outcomes
4. Most DSS employees believe in and are living up to the County’s RICH values? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree Employment Services Line Staff 0%45.5% 9% Administration 0%62.5%25%12.5% BenefitsLine Staff 3%51%41%5% Administration 14.3%71.4%14.3%0%
5. Most DSS employees believe that administration is living up to the County’s RICH values? Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree Employment Services Line Staff 0%8.3%66.7%25% Administration 0%69%31%0% BenefitsLine Staff 0%29%50%21% Administration 0%86%14%0%
4. Most DSS employees believe in and are living up to the County’s RICH values?
5. Most DSS employees believe that administration is living up to the County’s RICH values?
4. Most DSS employees believe in and are living up to the County’s RICH values?
5. Most DSS employees believe that administration is living up to the County’s RICH values?
Recommendations Evaluate Agency & Program Effectiveness Establish a Process for Setting WTW Priorities and Timelines for Overall Strategic Planning Purposes Co-locate CalWORKs Benefits/CWES Staff Conduct Annual GAP Survey to Gather Progress WTW Program Implementation