Attracting Emigrants Lesson starter: Name three places that Scots went to, along with the reason why.
Today we will… Understand what type of emigrants colonial governments looked for Understand how they attracted Scots abroad
Colonial governments wanted only a specific type of immigrant What qualities might they look for? Desirable qualities in an immigrant Educated Skilled workers Ambitious Adventurous Not poor
Each government of the British empire had an organisation to encourage emigration i.e. Canadian Emigration Service They gave lectures Gave out leaflets Visited people’s homes They tried to make countries look as attractive as possible
How did countries attract Scots? Higher wages (especially England and USA) Secure jobs faster and safer travel Publicising success stories
Missionaries Many Scots left to try and spread Christianity around the Empire Alexander Duff From Edinburgh Went to India Dr Jane Waterson South Africa Set up girls’ school
Mary Slessor Nigeria – tried to end slavery
David Livingstone Africa