National Statistics % of UK library authorities took part –4000 libraries running the challenge –690,000 children took part –47,000 children became new library members
Example Outcomes Through the challenge children are enjoying reading Through the challenge children are enjoying using the library Through the challenge parents and carers are involved in their children’s reading Through the challenge children are involved in the planning and running of library activities Example Targets Target number of children joining in the challenge Target number of children completing the challenge
Tools for Promoting the Challenge Invitations Posters and banners Family leaflet Staffroom/Noticeboard Chart Letters for schools Advocacy brochures Adverts and own promotional material
Ideas for Promoting the Challenge Library websites In-library PC presentations Promote to: –Schools –Extended schools –Surestart –Leisure services
Quest Seekers Materials Membership Cards Fold-Out Posters Sticker Sheets Certificates Medals
Incentives –Bookmark –Magic pen –Dragon model –Fridge magnet –Puzzle
Display Materials Posters Banners Events Posters Graphics files of logos/ characters Wall displays Book Collections
Running the Challenge Registering Children No. visits/books per visit Library set up –Joining area –Activities area/book sharing area –Wall display –Book collections
Reader Development Talking to Children Quest Seekers Activities ‘Cloud’ Post-it recommendations Events/workshops Encouraging parents Bookmarks as recommendations Displays of reviews/pictures
Amazing 3D effects bringing the Quest to life Quest Seekers games and activities Author blogs from top children’s authors Online advice centre for children – provided by volunteer library staff! Link to Stories from the Web to send & read reviews
Building Skills to Run the Challenge What skills need to be refreshed or built on? Options Local training courses, and/or using TRF
Evaluating the Challenge Record information on registration cards Collect comments –from parents/carers –from children –about the Challenge and the SRC website Templates for all these on resources CD & website
After the Challenge Award medals/certificates Let schools know who has taken part Collate participation data Collate comments, feedback and observations –Have outcomes been achieved? –Use in advocacy work
Are you ready for the challenge?