Proctor Training Thank you for serving as a proctor in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools testing program!
North Carolina requires all test sessions to have a school staff member give the test (a test administrator) and another adult monitor the test (a proctor) A proctor is needed in every classroom that gives a test (a test session) The proctor’s primary role is to help the test administrator conduct a fair and uniform test administration What is a proctor? 2
Age 18 or older and not a K-12 student Cannot proctor in a classroom if you –Are related to a student in the class (child, grandchild, niece/ nephew) –Are related to or close friends with the test administrator Proctor Eligibility 3
NC policy that governs everyone in testing (including proctors) Proctors are required to read the Testing Code of Ethics Proctors are required to sign the Testing Code of Ethics Affidavit after training NC Testing Code of Ethics 4
The test administrator must count and check materials out on the morning of testing and return them after testing The test administrator must keep materials secure at all times No person may copy, reproduce, paraphrase, or discuss the test material NC Testing Code of Ethics 5
The test administrator and proctor must be trained before the test The test administrator and proctor must be in the room at all times The test administrator must read directions exactly as written in the Assessment Guide (AG) Cannot clarify questions or indicate answers to students NC Testing Code of Ethics 6
Report anything out of the ordinary that occurs during testing (a testing irregularity) to the school test coordinator as soon as possible Protect confidentiality of students at all times NC Testing Code of Ethics 7
Examples of unethical practices to be reported to the school test coordinator: –Encouraging students not to do their best –Using secure test items for instruction –Changing student responses –Explaining or paraphrasing the test directions Sanctions: civil and criminal prosecution NC Testing Code of Ethics 8
Test materials must be counted and checked out on the morning of testing and counted and returned after testing The proctor cannot be alone with or handle test materials Students cannot remove test books or answer sheets from the test session Test books and/ or online tests are not to be read or discussed by anyone Test books cannot be copied Test Security 9
Minimize any distractions or interruptions that occur Rooms must be quiet and well lit Student desks should be cleared Desks must be 3 feet apart and facing forward Wall displays of test taking tips or test related content must be removed or covered Classroom Conditions 10
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in the test session –This includes proctors, test administrators, and students Classroom Conditions 11
Students are given all materials needed for the test and cannot use their own –Students may use their own No. 2 pencils Student desks must be cleared of everything before the test begins The test administrator must pass out materials according to the directions in the script –For example, “I am going to give each of you a blank sheet of paper” Materials Distribution 12
The proctor can help students find the right place in the test book or on the answer sheet The proctor must walk around to monitor students during the entire test The test administrator and proctor must remain in the room during the entire test Test Administration 13
The proctor cannot –Read the directions to students –Assist students in answering questions –Change student responses –Answer student questions The proctor can respond to student questions by saying, “I cannot answer your question, just do your best.” Test Administration 14
The proctor must remain in the room at all times unless there is an emergency Students who have an emergency or need to go to the restroom must be escorted by a proctor or another adult Minimize time out of the test session Minimize disturbance to other students Student Emergencies 15
Proctors must actively monitor students during the entire test to ensure that: –Students are marking answers on the correct part of the answer sheet –Students are using a No. 2 pencil –Students who have a problem (pencil breaks, restroom break) are helped with little distraction to other students –Students have a calculator active part of the math test have a calculator Monitor Students 16
Proctors cannot help students or indicate answers, which includes: –Telling students to look at a question again –Making a facial expression or gesture –Explaining or rephrasing any of the test Monitor Students 17
Students with special needs may have a testing accommodation documented The proctor must be trained to monitor the accommodations in his/ her test session In an accommodation test session, some procedures may be different than what you would expect Accommodations 18
Report irregularities to the school test coordinator on the day it occurs. Examples: –Not following directions/ script in the AG –Paraphrasing test directions –Leaving students unsupervised –Giving students instruction before the test –Failing to cover/ remove wall displays –Giving students additional time –Cheating or suspected cheating Report Irregularities 19
Examples: –Student illness or emergency –Reading or tampering with test books or answer sheets –Failing to return originally distributed number of materials –Failing to appropriately provide accommodations –External distractions (fire alarm, bell rang) –Cell phone in test session Report Irregularities 20
Conduct a fair test administration Any information learned about students is private and cannot be shared with anyone, including the student or the student’s parent. For example: –Accommodations –Test scores –Specific answers to test questions –Overall test behavior Student Confidentiality 21
Proctor’s Guide available at: accountability/policies/ Contact your School Test Coordinator with any questions. If you have any serious concerns about the testing at your school, contact the CMS testing department at