Equipment/Software for Physical Education By Brianna Cormaney Middle School (6-8)
Goal We want our students to understand the importance of being able to stay fit, active, and healthy and with the use of effective software and equipment our students can gain the important knowledge in order to strive to become the best that they can be!
Fitnessgram & Activity Gram Test Administration Manual An integrated fitness and activity assessment program that can greatly enhance the effectiveness of school-based physical-education programs Purpose/Value: Encourages student involvement while evaluating students on each dimension of fitness and on measures of physical activity Price: $37.00 Where to Buy: ?isbn= ?isbn=
FITNESSGRAM Standards A chart which displays standards for Healthy Fitness Zone for girls and boys Displays each of the fitness assessment standards Purpose/Value: Allows students to be aware of their progress for each fitness assessment and can motivate to do better next time around This can be accessible by being posted onto a wall within the gym Cost: $9 Where to Buy: duct/?isbn= duct/?isbn=
Body Fat Calipers Instruments used for assessing body fat percentage With the use of calipers, students can learn how to assess each other’s body fat and learn through a hand’s- on experience Purpose/Value: Gives accurate data of the total amount of fat that is on your body Price: $9.29 Where to Buy: m/ m/
Fit4Ed Teacher’s Kit Provides Pedometer data and mathematical exercises Purpose/Value: Motivates, increases physical activity, explores mathematical concepts and practice skills Makes learning fun, interactive, and healthy! Price: $369.95
Includes: Teacher’s booklet (with 40 lesson plans) 30 Multi Function Pedometers 30 safety leashes to secure pedometer to waistband 1 tape measure to measure walking stride Instructions for pedometer Where to Buy: kit.html kit.html Identifies daily meal proportions for the fruit, vegetable, grains, protein, and dairy food groups Purpose/Value: Choosing goals to help build a healthy plate and understand the importance of good nutrition Price: FREE
Conclusion Because obesity is becoming such a huge epidemic, especially with children, it is essential to give them the knowledge about how important it is to stay active and healthy. The sooner they understand, the quicker they will be able to apply that knowledge and begin to lead a healthy life.