OrientationOrientation Krystal Sahli Fifth Grade
Ms. Sahli’s Guidelines For Success Respect for… Each other Self Property Environment Children Teachers
Fifth Grade Goals Sahli Students will Explain and defend strategies to others both orally and in writing Learn to work cooperatively in groups and sometimes take a leadership role Learn to speak in front of their peers with confidence and style Use technology to further their learning and understanding of new concepts and content
Classroom Rules Have all appropriate materials and be prepared to work Raise your hand and wait to be called on Listen and follow directions the first time Respect others Use appropriate behavior outside the classroom
Behavior Management System Conduct Chart Marks given when students break rule Marks result in a drop in conduct grade Marks also result in other appropriate consequences Rewards Tickets are given for a drawing intermittently when teacher observes responsible behavior
Behavior Expectations Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and procedures Students are expected to behave as a community of learners Students are expected to follow established routines.
Daily Schedule 8:20 –First Bell Rings 8:30-8:45 –Homeroom &Independent Reading 8:45-9:15 –Resource 9:15-9:45 –Social Studies or Small Groups 9:45-11:15 –Reader’s Workshop 11:15-11:40 –Language Arts SWITCH CLASSES 11:40-12:15 –Begin Language Arts 11:15-12:45 –Physical Activity 12:48-1:18 –Lunch 1:18-2:42 –Reader’s Workshop 2:42 –Dismissal
Resource Schedule The resource schedule runs on a five day rotation. My homeroom will have the following schedule: A=Music B=Technology C=PE D=Media E=Art
Workshop Approach Reader’s Workshop –10-15 Minutes Mini Lesson –20 Minutes Independent Reading “Just Write” books –20 Minutes Work Stations/Guided Reading –10-15 Minutes Share Chair
Grading Policy County Grading Scale A B C D <60 F
Communication Daily –Student Agenda Weekly –Weekly Folder –Bi-Monthly Grades –Parents Sign and Return
Homework Reading Homework will be given Monday through Thursday. Student is also expected to read each night. A form for documentation will be sent home to keep track and be signed off on.
Homework Policy Homework Champs –Students that complete all homework in all subjects for the month will eat lunch in the classroom and receive a treat Study Hall –Students that do not complete all work in a given week will be requested to attend Study Hall