Visual: Reading and studying charts, drawings and graphic information Auditory: Listening to lectures and audiotapes Kinesthetic: Demonstrations and physical activity involving bodily movement
Autonomy Students take charge of their learning (by initiating oral production, solving problems, practice using language in groups in and outside classrooms)
Awareness means: Becoming aware of the process of learning and the conscious applications of appropriate strategies Action: to take action of the strategies available
Styles are the different characteristics that differentiate one individual from another Strategies are the specific techniques one employs to solve a problem.
1) Learning strategies: (input- processing- storage- retrieval- taking messages from others) dealing with receptive domain of intake 2) Communication strategies: (output- production of meaning- how to deliver messages to others) verbal and nonverbal productive communication of information
Find their own way of learning Organize information about language Creative and feel for the language,make opportunities of practicing language Learn to live with uncertainty Use memory strategies to recall Make errors work for them Use linguistic knowledge of 1L to learn 2L Use contextual cues to comprehend Make intelligent guesses Learn language as a whole Learn tricks to keep conversations going Learn production strategies to fill gaps Learn styles of speech and writing
Cognitive Sosioaffective Meta- cognitive
Meta- cognitive Information Processing Learning planning Think and monitor production or comprehension Evaluating learning afterwards
Cognitive Specific tasksLimited Direct manipulation
Socioaffective Social activities Interact with others
Writing Reading Speaking Listening
Conscious plans to solve problems in order to reach communicative goal Avoidance strategies Compensatory strategies
To avoid lexical items within semantic category Syntactic or lexical To avoid items of phonological difficulty Phonological To avoid certain topics that to avoid difficulty in expressing an idea Topic
This is to compensate missing knowledge Prefabricated patterns Memorizing phrases or sentences without internalized knowledge of their components Code- switching The use of a first or second language within a stream of speech in teh second language. Appeal to authority A direct appeal for help 9 teacher- bilingual dictionary
SBI is the application of both learning and communication strategies to classroom learning
1) Understand the strategy 2) Perceive it to be effective 3) Do not consider its implementation to be overly difficult
1) identifying learners’ styles and potential strategies (self-check questionnaire) 2) Incorporating SBI in communicative language courses and classrooms 3) Providing extra class assistance for learners