Acid Rain Noor Salem 7e
What is Acid Rain? Acid rain is rainfall that has been acidified. Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen acidify it. When fossil fuels such as coal and oil are burned in power stations, factories, and even in our homes, Acid gases are formed. These Acid gases are blown into the sky, and can cause rain, snow, sleet, fog, mist, or hail when they mix with the clouds. This helps it become more acidic.
What Causes it? Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides are the most important causes of acid rain. Sulfur dioxide comes from volcanoes and power stations that make electricity. Nitrogen Oxides come from engine exhausts. Sulfur and Nitrogen are chemicals that are released into the air when we burn fuels. Once these chemicals are in the air, they mix with the water that is there and transform into different chemicals called Sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides. These chemicals can be really dangerous to living things. Some slight causes are natural causes such as swamps and rotting plants. But Natural causes only count as 10% of the pollution that causes acid rain.
What Causes it?
The Effects of Acid Rain – Buildings Acid rain can ruin buildings because the acid eats into metal and stone. The glass and plastics can also be damaged, depending on the types of building material; the softer building materials are the ones that are usually easily affected by acid rain. Harder building material can mostly resist the effects of it. E.G Soft stone: Sandstone and Limestone. Harder Stone: Granite.
The Effects of Acid Rain – Plant Life Acid rain effects forests in a very bad way by taking away important minerals from the leaves and the soil. The minerals are like vitamins for plants. Plants cannot grow properly without them because they can lose their leaves and become very weak, and they are no longer strong enough to be able to fight against illnesses and frost; they can be really ill and can die. However, some soils are alkaline; the acid can become neutral when the rain falls on them. These soils can protect the plants so they are not in any big danger.
The Effects of Acid Rain – Lakes/Water Water life can easily be effected by Acid Rain, even when the acid rain does not fall straight into the lake, it can still enter from rivers and streams. Fish, plants, and more living in the sea may end up dying, because they cannot survive in acidic lakes. Anyone can recognize lake effected by acid rain by its clean water (they look clean because there is not a lot living in it anymore).
The Effects of Acid Rain – Our Health One of the main causes of health problems are from very small particles called ‘debris’ that is found in some air pollution. These particulates can easily enter our body when we breathe in air pollution; they can cause breathing problems, and can also cause cancer. The water that comes from taps can be dirty (acid rain causes it) at times. It can damage the brain if we drink it.
Prevention – What can we do? We can also help by turning off electric devices that are not being used E.G lights, computers, television. Since engines are what mostly cause acid rain, we can use them less by walking, cycling, or public transit.
Bibliography Information: Pictures: Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. "Kids Corner." ENVIS-Environmental Information System. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. Pictures: