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Copyright © 2011 School Nutrition Association. All Rights Reserved. National School Lunch Week - October 10-14, 2011.

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Presentation transcript:


Fresh Food in Schools Project Funders include :

WHY WE DO FARM TO SCHOOL Locally grown foods…  Are picked when ripe and most flavorful  Travel a short distance to your plate Its Darn Tasty!

Its Neighborly!  Less energy and emissions to truck and ship food  Knowing who grew your food, and how it was grown  Supports small business and keeps more money in your community WHY WE DO FARM TO SCHOOL

Children’s Health Overweight children are more likely to have:  High blood pressure and high cholesterol  Type 2 diabetes  Breathing problems  Social and psychological problems  More likely to be overweight and have chronic diseases as an adult

To Help Kids : Get interested in where their food comes from Get excited to taste new fruits and vegetables Develop a taste for healthy foods And want to ask for more! WHY WE DO FARM TO SCHOOL

GOALS OF FRESH FOOD IN SCHOOLS Healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables available to kids $$ schools spend on Washington grown fruits and vegetables Number of farms selling to schools

WESTERN WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICTS  S. Whidbey and Coupeville – Island County  Mount Vernon - Skagit County  Lake Stevens and Arlington - Snohomish County  Northshore and Riverview - King County  Pe Ell - Lewis County  Naselle - Pacific County  Evergreen - Clark County

FRESH FOOD IN SCHOOLS ACTION PLAN: Taste Washington Day Harvest of the Month School Gardens School Nutrition Advisory Groups Making farm connections Farm to School Summits

TASTE WASHINGTON DAY 4 th Wednesday each September Sample menus created by WSNA and WSDA Day to celebrate Washington’s bounty!


Current Produce Vendor – Shawns Produce (Everett) Willing to back haul and pick up produce from local farmers in addition to the ones they have established partnerships with.  Ability to process and delivery large bi-weekly orders of fruits and vegetables for our 10 kitchens (3,500 meals a day).  Currently providing local farm indicators on each invoice we receive.

Washington Sliced Apple Usage Bulk: 564 bulk cases 4 oz Bag: 446 cases of IW Bags = 57,088 bags Expenditure $45,333 + $20,000 more than last year LAKE STEVENS SCHOOL DISTRICT

SCHOOL LUNCH EVENTS: TASTE OF WA - SEPT 26, 2012 Locall Locally sourced school lunch! LAKE STEVENS SCHOOL DISTRICT



SCHOOL LUNCH EVENTS: MAKE A RAINBOW - APRIL 16, 2013 Make a Rainbow at the Salad Bar Students purchasing a school lunch will be challenged to make a rainbow at the Salad Bar and will receive a fun colored bracelet if they select at least 3 different colors on their lunch tray to consume. This school lunch event is a great opportunity to challenge students to reinforce healthy habits by selecting different colored fruits and veggies. Garden Fresh Salad Bar will include: Fresh Red Strawberries, Green Kiwi, Rainbow Carrot Coins (Yellow, Purple, Red & Orange), Rainbow Cauliflower (Green, Purple & Orange) Shredded Orange Carrots, along with Purple Cabbage, Green Romaine and Spinach. LAKE STEVENS SCHOOL DISTRICT


BENEFITS OF FARM TO SCHOOL…. Taking small steps in the right direction. Exciting to see kids making the connection about where their food comes from. Little changes can have big impact! Positive feedback from students, staff and parents. LAKE STEVENS SCHOOL DISTRICT

COMMUNITY PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN FARM TO SCHOOL Eat more locally grown foods at home and encourage your friends and family to do the same! Show your support by thanking school district staff and farmers for their efforts! Volunteer your time at farm to school events at schools or local farmers markets!

THANK YOU! Acacia Larson Mollie Langum