CFUGs “Why I like CF” Michael Smith President TeraTech, Inc ColdFusion, Database & VB custom development
Thanks! Thank you to: n Speakers: Ben Forta n Organizers n Volunteers n Sponsors n And yourself!
Introduction Michael Smith n President TeraTech n Run MDCFUG n CFUN-2k n CF programmer and teacher n Articles in CFDJ, CFAdvisor, Fusion Authority
CF Goodies… n Printed program & notes n CD-ROM – CF Express n Tag poster n CF survey n …Prizes n CF guru Q&A
Why is CF great? Is it because CF is: n Tag based n Separate files with hyperlinks n HTML by default n Extensible – CF and CFX tags n Standards: HTML, SQL What is missing here?…
Why is CF Great Really? n The CF Community! u CFUGs u Conferences u Speakers u Listserv – CF-talk u “Users helping Users”
What is a CFUG n ColdFusion User Group n Learning CF n Answering questions n Presentations on CF techniques n Networking and friends n Free info n “Users helping Users”
Local CFUGs n London, Niklas Richardson n Newcastle, Stephen Moretti n Bristol, Martin Kelly Over 150 worldwide – Allaire list n Over 7000 Cfers are in CFUGs
MDCFUG n Maryland CFUG n 3 years old n 454 members n 60 attend per month n Meet 2 nd Tuesday of every month n 6:30pm – 9pm n Rockville MD BestWestern n I-270 and Route 28
Dynamic speakers
Wash DC CFUG-O-Rama Over 700 CFers attended!
Resources n
MDCFUG Listserv n Ask and answer your CF questions n Virtual User Group meeting 24/7 n n Signup online: n n Or from home page link
MDCFUG newsletter n Over 4000 readers n CF news and tips n New CF resources n SQL tips n Free to all MDCFUG members n Become a member at the website
MDCFUG members n Our members are what makes us a great CFUG! n Share tips n Speak at meetings n Review new CF books n Help CF newbies – we all were new to CF once
Thoughts for today… n Learn n Share n Have FUN!