WARM UP 9/3/15 (PERIODS 4 & 5) Revisit the goal that you established in your warm up. Do you feel that the goal is still feasible, or do you have to adjust it to make it work for you? Create a realistic, measurable plan of how you intend to meet your goal. How will you be successful in English this year? What motivates you to do so? What is holding you back?
WARM UP 9/3/15 (PERIOD 3) Answer these questions to the best of your ability. 1. Who fought against whom in the Vietnam War? 2. Why did the United States become involved in Vietnam, and why did it increase its involvement into the 1970s? 3. What specific events marked the beginning of the United States' active military campaign against North Vietnam? 4. What was the initial public sentiment in the United States regarding U.S. involvement in Vietnam? 5. What was President Johnson's attitude toward U.S. involvement in Vietnam? What was President Nixon's attitude toward the war? 6. How did the war change under President Nixon's administration? 7. Was the Vietnam War overwhelmingly popular among American civilians? Why or why not?
LEARNING TARGETS I can identify Nixon’s stance on the war in Vietnam as illustrated through his speech. I can analyze how Nixon’s argument is built in his speech. I can compare/contrast Kerry’s response to Nixon’s speech with the speech itself. I can use the information I learned as a basis for my learning in our Vietnam/The Things They Carried unit.
AGENDA 9/3 Warm up/review Video – background for Vietnam (start at 5:50) ( Group work – Nixon’s speech
NIXON’S SPEECH (PLEASE DON’T WRITE ON IT) Work with a partner. BEFORE you read, identify unknown words; define using context clues. DURING your reading, answer these questions: 1. What did Nixon believe would be the consequences of immediate U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam? 2. What specific events did Nixon cite to support his arguments against "precipitate troop withdrawal"? 3. What is meant by "Silent Majority"? 4. THEN, indicate what Nixon’s stance is on the war in Vietnam. In your own words, summarize why you think he holds this stance. AFTER reading, analyze how this argument is built. Label the speech, chunk by chunk, with your partner (i.e., background about the war, attempt to appeal to the masses, validation for his position, etc.). Look over how you and your partner labeled each “chunk” of text from the speech. Based on this, answer these two questions: What is Nixon’s purpose in delivering this speech? How does the speech’s organization support that purpose?
GOOGLE CLASSROOM LOGIN STUFF Username: (Different than Password: Follow the same numerical format as last year - the student’s date of birth. *Students will NOT be able to log into a Chromebook or their Google account until AFTER they have logged on to a PC and changed their password.* New passwords must be 8 or more characters in length.
HOMEWORK Read John Kerry’s response to Nixon’s speech (Google Classroom). Complete the following tasks: Annotate. Read the document and annotate it. Use the highlighting tool to identify what is important, and use the margin comments to write any questions you may have about the speech.