Overview of the Administration for Community Living September 1, 2015
AT Program Transition to ACL Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can. - Arthur Ashe 2
ACL Organizational Chart (Text Version) The U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) is led by the Administrator, who also serves as the Assistant Secretary for Aging. The Administrator is directly supported by the Principal Deputy Administrator. The following staff offices report directly to the Administrator: Office of External Affairs Office of Regional Operations, which includes offices located across the United States ACL is comprised of the following units, which report directly to the Administrator: Administration on Aging Administration on Disabilities Center for Integrated Programs Center for Management and Budget Center for Policy and Evaluation National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research 4
Administration on Aging The Administration on Aging is led by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, who is directly supported by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging. Reporting directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging are the following offices: Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services Office of American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian Programs Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs 5
Administration on Disabilities The Administration on Disabilities is headed by a Commissioner, who reports directly to the ACL Administrator, and a Deputy Commissioner who also serves as Director of Independent Living. In this dual role, the Deputy Commissioner/Director of Independent Living serves as a member of the Administrator’s senior leadership and reports directly to the Administrator in carrying out the functions of the Director of Independent Living consistent with Section 701A of the Rehabilitation Act. Reporting directly to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner are the following offices: Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Independent Living Administration 6
Management and Budget, Policy and Evaluation and NIDILRR Reporting directly to the Deputy Administrator of the Center for Management and Budget are the following offices: Office of Budget and Finance Office of Administration and Personnel Office of Grants Management Office of Information Resources Management Reporting directly to the Director of the Center for Policy and Evaluation are the following offices: Office of Policy Analysis and Development Office of Performance and Evaluation Reporting directly to the Director of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research are the following offices: Office of Research Sciences Office of Research Evaluation and Administration 7
Center for Integrated Programs Reporting directly to the Deputy Administrator of the Center for Integrated Programs are the following offices: Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling Office of Consumer Access and Self-Determination Office of Integrated Care Innovations 8
9 Center for Integrated Programs Staff Listing Office of the Deputy Administrator John Wren, Deputy Administrator Greg Pugh Marisa Scala-Foley Caroline Ryan Lauren Solkowski Office of Consumer Access and Self- Determination Lori Gerhard, Director Joseph Lugo Eric Weakly Kevin Foley Shawn Terrell Rob Groenendaal Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling Josh Hodges, Director Rebecca Kinney Stacey Platte Katie Glendening Matthew Brown Doris Summey Philip McKoy Megan Brickey Julie Ann Chavez Office of Integrated Care Innovations Eliza Bangit, Director Rina Kitazawa Gabriela Trujillo Williams
Center for Integrated Programs CIP functions at the intersection of ACL’s mission to serve older adults and individuals with disabilities. CIP administers programs that help people of all ages to live a full life in their community. CIP oversees 13 separate programs, $160 Million in funding, and over 500 grants. 10
Office of Consumer Access and Self-Determination Mission— Administer programs that help consumers across the lifespan and their family caregivers access the long term services and supports they need to remain independent, living in their own homes and communities. Programs – Aging & Disability Resource Centers / No Wrong Door Systems – Person Centered Planning – Veteran Directed Home & Community Based Services Program – Inclusive Community Transportation Program – Lifespan Respite Program – Assistive Technology Program 11