Myths and Denials
MYTH = Unproven belief or invented story Drug myths are unrealistic beliefs that are often used to justify drug use EXAMPLE = “I drive more carefully when I’ve had a drink than when I’m fully sober.”
Small group assignment: Select a leader who will record your group’s answers AND report back to the class. As a group, discuss the myth you were assigned and respond to the questions about your myth. You have 15 minutes to accomplish this…be ready to report back by then!
Class discussion of the 4 myths: Drug use provides emotional protection from the outside world. Drugs help people to establish friendships. People get used to a drug. Drug use shows independence. There are many MYTHS about drug use. Knowing the truth allows us to make better choices. Although some myths have a small part that is true, for the most part, myths are untrue and unrealistic.
Denial = ignoring consequences that may be obvious to others Many drug users are “in denial” about their drug use. EX = “I can quit smoking anytime.” What do you think makes a person live in denial? What are the benefits for the person in denial?
Four Kinds of Denial: Drug users frequently blame others or outside social events for their drug use. Drug users may deny injury from drug use. Drug users deny their effects on others. Drug users reinterpret bad things that happen to them so that they appear to be positive, or at least not so bad. With a partner, discuss the cartoons on your handout (pgs 9-10 of student workbook). Select one denial type and create your own scenario and cartoon to represent that denial.