One City Auckland Libraries All Yours
Slide 2 The problem? 7 organisations disappearing 1 organisation One Rates Bill New ways of working Different expectations 1 Nov 2010
Slide 3 No disruption to customer service
Slide 4 eLGAR Opportunity Sleep, Work, Play
Slide 5 The Mantra? Borrow Anywhere, Return Anywhere
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8 Arrow = Bloody Long Way (140km)
Slide 9 giving CUSTOMERS what they always wanted
Slide 10 MyCard
Slide 11 The Lesson……? Libraries pushed the parameters of change, this project would not have occurred if we had not
Slide 12 The Board INTENT BELIEF COLLABORATION eLGAR Communities of interest Programme office TRUST eLF Collaborative teams eLGARnet EMPOWERMENT
Slide 13 1 November 2010
Slide 14 De-consortialise Harmonise A consortium is NOT the same as one organisation
Slide 15 One Collection team Membership Lending rules Requests Fees & Charges Debt processes Interloans Logistics Classification & Labelling
Slide 16 One collection: Membership 576,828 members 139 patron types!
Slide 17 One Collection: Lending Lending rules… Requests… Fees and charges… 500+ rules 3 week loan or 4 week loan? No fines for children’s books – Yes / No Free or $1 DVDs - $2 to $5 Request magazines? Yes / No 18 20c per day or 30c? 50c per day
Slide 18 One Collection: lots more Debt processes… Interloans… Logistics… Classification… Labelling…
Slide 19 Franklin integration Franklin Library Arts & Culture Trust & Franklin District Libraries Auckland Libraries Symphony Millennium Tuakau Waikato District
Slide 20 Technical Infrastructure System changes to Millennium Telephone messages and notice templates Self checks units Printers and scanners Broadband capacity Public access computers Payment options RFID Security systems EM
Slide 21 Contractual & Commercial Extended library management system Licenses for e-resources Licenses for search and discovery tools Contracts for notice delivery
Slide 22 On-line Catalogue - OPAC UNSCOPED Aquabrowser UNLEASHED Websites - NEW umbrella site created old sites kept and updated Intranet – UNFINISHED…E-resources - UNFETTERED
Slide 23 Training & Communication 1350 staff trained Training tailored for the changes for each legacy library Updates to customer brochures New procedure documentation and manuals Helpful Cheat sheets for key changes
Slide 24 complexity Membership database & rules Lending rules Fees and charges Consistent search & discovery interface 3 Franklin libraries - 2 on Millennium (Pukekohe, Waiuku) Deliver same e- resources to all Deliver new logistics approach Tuakau An Auckland Libraries website Library notices & phone systems $$$Revenue neutral Branding Promotion Staff training And a good news story!.. No pressure… Library cards Debt processes Interloans Reporting and statistics
Slide 25 We ♥ Auckland Libraries
Slide 26 “The best thing to come out of Auckland’s Super City amalgamation…” NZ Herald Saturday May 14 th 2011
Slide 27 Questions?