8 Functions of Life
8 Functions ( in no particular order ) Nutrition Reproduction Movement Growth Excretion Secretion Response Respiration
8 Functions (in no particular order) Nutrition Made up of ingestion, or taking in food, and digestion, or changing food into a usable form. Plants ingest sunlight, water, minerals
8 Functions (in no particular order) Reproduction Producing more of it’s own kind Survival of the species depends on it
8 Functions (in no particular order) Movement Organism may move and materials inside also move
8 Functions (in no particular order) Growth Development and aging of organisms over time
8 Functions (in no particular order) Excretion Removal of wastes Examples: bathroom uses, sweating, etc
8 Functions (in no particular order) Secretion Useful chemicals made and given off Examples: snot, saliva, oils from plants, hormones, musk odors, etc.
8 Functions (in no particular order) Response React to changes in its surroundings or the environment Example: Blinking
8 Functions (in no particular order) Respiration Metabolism Exchange and use of gases Especially oxygen and carbon dioxide Helps to release energy from food