White Tailed Deer By: DV
Family Genus: Odocoileinae Species family: White Tailed Deer Species: Mammalia
Description Tall White neck White fluffy tail Brownish hide
Habitat Mixture of trees Shrubs Vines Grasses And other plants such as fungi
Niche Deer eat all kinds of greens Clover Grass Fallen fruits Flowering weeds These are consumed for energy
Competition Besides fighting each other they have competition for food from… Most small animals Squirrels Rabbits Groundhogs
Reproduction Usually during October is the mating season the “rut” For young and or weak bucks it is during December They are usually born early spring They only have one
Threats Aside from habitat destruction deer are… Hunted by humans Hunted by predators
Threats to others The only thing they can impose is not enough food They aren't that hostile they usually run away when they feel threatened
Why are they important Whitetail deer provide food for humans, large animals, and keep plant growth down helping the environment.
Sources help/what-role-do-deers-play-ecosystem help/what-role-do-deers-play-ecosystem ddeer.htm ddeer.htm deerhabitat/ deerhabitat/