Environment The space, conditions, and all the living and nonliving things around an organism.
Impact Direct effect or change.
Predator An organism that hunts and feeds on another animal.
Prey An animal that is hunted as food.
Adaptation An inherited trait that becomes more common by helping individuals that have it to survive and reproduce.
Camouflage Coloring or other physical characteristics that help an organism to blend in with its surroundings.
Reproduction the natural process among organisms by which new individuals are generated and the species created.
Niche The role an organism plays in its ecosystem.
Mimicry When an organism copies a characteristic of another organism to increase its chances for survival or reproduction.
Migration The seasonal movement of animals from one place to another.
Hibernation A process by which an organism slows its life functions for an extended period of time to preserve energy or resist harsh conditions.
Habitat The place or environment in which an organism naturally lives.
Species A group of organisms that are similar to one another and can combine to produce offspring.
Characteristics Features that help identify something.
Structure An arrangement of parts.
Function What something does.