O BJECTIVES Objective 1: Identify and describe the different causes of violence. Objective 2: Identify and describe the different risk factors for violence. Objective 3: Identify different types of violence. Objective 4: Debate Illinois concealed-carry gun law.
I P AD V OCABULARY 1. Open: Photon EDU APP 2. Open on the bottom left of the page “ Glencoe.mcgraw- hill ” 3. Open: “ Student Center ” 4. Drop Down: “ Chapter Activities ” 5. Choose: “Chapter 9” 6. Open: “Interactive Study Guides” 7. Open: “Lesson #3” alth_09/isg/GH_ch09.3_550x390.swf
W ORKSHEET FOR LESSON #3 PG Please take and complete the Lesson #3 worksheet. You may work quietly with a partner on the worksheet.
C AUSES OF V IOLENCE 1. Violence: the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property. 2. Causes may include: Uncontrolled anger or frustration A need to control others Hatred or prejudice against a particular group A retaliation or revenge for some past harm, whether real or perceived.
I NFLUENCES FOR TEEN V IOLENCE 3. Children are at greater risk if their families are ___POOR____, have low levels of _EDUCATION_, or are involved in __ILLEGAL__ __ACTIVITIES_. 4. Having friends who are involved in _VIOLENCE_ and ___CRIME__ greatly __INCREASES__ teens’ risk of committing _VIOLENT_ acts themselves. 5. Teens who are committed to __SCHOOL__ and have a _NEGATIVE_ attitude toward __CRIME__ are less likely to commit acts of violence.
I NFLUENCES FOR TEEN V IOLENCE Alcohol and drug use 6. Drinking and __DRUG__ __USE__ can lower people’s self-control. 7. Drinking and drug use can damage people’s __JUDGMENT__. 8. Teens may engage in violent crimes as a way to get __MONEY__ to buy __DRUGS__. 9. People who use drugs and drink alcohol are more likely to engage in other high risk behaviors, such as __FIGHTING__, __CARRYING__ __WEAPONS__, and engaging in unsafe __SEXUAL__ __ACTIVITY__. Mental and Emotional Problems 10. Low __SELF__ __ESTEEM__ is another risk factor for violence among teens. 11. __INSECURE__ teens may try to use violence to prove themselves. 12. Teens with low __SELF__ __ESTEEM__ may be more likely to join __GANGS__ as a way to belong. 13. Stress, __DEPRESSION__, and __STRONG__ __EMOTIONS__ such as anger can lead some teens to become __VIOLENT__. 14. Learning to control __ANGER__ effectively can __GREATLY__ reduce the risk of violence.
I NFLUENCES FOR TEEN V IOLENCE Availability of weapons 15. A recent government survey revealed that nearly __1__ in __5__ high school students reported having carried a weapon within the past _30_ days. 16. __5__ percent of all students said they have carried a gun. 17. Do not carry a weapon. People who carry a weapon are __TWICE__ as likely to become victims of gun violence. 18. If you know that another teen is carrying a weapon, tell a trusted __ADULT__ such as a parent or teacher. 19. If your parents keep a gun at home, encourage them to equip it with a __TRIGGER__ __LOCK__ and to store it __UNLOADED__ in a locked cabinet.
I NFLUENCES FOR VIOLENCE Weapons Availability FACT: Most homicides that occur among year olds, involve a firearm. Most weapons that are carried are handguns, knives, and clubs (True or False) TRUE Teens with gang affiliations are more likely to acquire these weapons (True or False) TRUE Today, people must undergo background checks in order to purchase guns from licensed dealers. Some states require registration on handguns ?iref=videosearch rowlands-chicago-violence-national-guard.cnn.html
I NFLUENCES FOR TEEN V IOLENCE Violence in the media 20. More than __60__ percent of all television shows and nearly __90__ percent of top-rated video games contain some violence. 21. Scenes that feature violence fail to show its __HARMFUL_ _CONSEQUENCES__. 22. Exposure to violence in the media can __INFLUENCE__ the way people think about violence. This is especially true for __CHILDREN__ and __TEENS__. 23. Studies have found that children and teens act more __AGGRESSIVELY__ right after watching __VIOLENT__ scenes. Gang violence 24. Gangs are often involved in __DRUG_ _DEALING_, _ROBBERY__, and violent __ATTACKS__ on members of rival gangs. 25. Teens who join gangs may be seeking __PROTECTION__ from violence or looking for a way to __FIT_ _IN__. 26. Being part of a gang reduces a teen’s chances of __GRADUATING__ from __SCHOOL__ and finding a steady __JOB__. As a result, teen gang member may end up a career __CRIMINALS__. 29. To avoid influence, be aware of gang __ACTIVITY__ in your area, including the __COLORS__ and __SYMBOLS__ used by various gangs. 30. Doing so will enable you to __RECOGNIZE__ and steer __CLEAR_ of gang members.
V IDEO Gang violence Gang violence “ Chicago Gang Violence Out of Hand 2012” violence-soars-on-the-streets-of-chicago/ violence-soars-on-the-streets-of-chicago/
T YPES OF V IOLENCE In nearly half of all violent crimes, the victims knows their attackers Assault- is an unlawful physical attack or threat of attack. More than 4 million assaults take place in the U.S. each year. Random Violence – violence committed for no particular reason. Homicide – the willful killing of one human being by another.
T YPES OF V IOLENCE C ONTINUED … 2) Sexual Violence- Any form of unwelcome sexual conduct directed at an individual, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. Acts of violence rather than acts of passion Sexual Assault- Any intentional sexual attack against another person. More than 60,000 sexual assaults take place in the U.S. each year Rape – any form of sexual intercourse that take place against a person’s will. More than 300,000 females and 93,000 males are raped each year. More than ½ of all females and ¾ of all males are under 18 years old.
I LLINOIS S TATE U NIVERSITY S EXUAL ASSAULT S TAT ’ S HTTP :// COUNSELING. ILLINOISSTATE. EDU / SEXUAL - ASSAULT / STATISTICS. SHTML HTTP :// COUNSELING. ILLINOISSTATE. EDU / SEXUAL - ASSAULT / STATISTICS. SHTML Time Period: July 1, 2010 through June 30, sexual assaults were reported (*remember, most are not reported) 66% were freshmen or sophomores; all survivors were female 71% were assaulted by an acquaintance (2 cases, not reported) 90% involved a single assailant (2 cases, not reported) 84% were off campus 16% were on campus (in the residence halls) 80% reported using alcohol prior to the assault; 62% of those were "too intoxicated" to legally consent; 25% suspected they had been given a "date rape drug" 43% reported use of physical force during the assault
T YPES OF V IOLENCE C ONTINUED … R APE In some states, sexual intercourse under the age of 18 can be considered rape, unless the 2 are married. eport.cnn?iref=videosearch Avoiding Sexual Violence: Be aware of your surroundings Refuse to go anywhere alone with someone you don’t know or trust! Attend parties with friends so you can all watch out for each other. Avoid alcohol and drugs, which can make you an easy target Finally, trust your instincts. Responding to a Sexual Attack: If you are sexually attacked, your goal is to survive.. Stalling for time, distracting the attacker, or screaming to attract attention…do whatever you need to do to survive the situation. Report the attack right away. Do not bathe or brush your teeth (rape kit)
H ATE C RIMES Hate Crime: is any crime motivated chiefly by hatred of or prejudice against a particular group. People may be targeted because of their race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, or other differences. Hate crimes may take many forms: Harassment: may include racial slurs, stalking, or attempts to exclude a group Vandalism: may use offensive messages or symbols to deface buildings Arson: May blow up or set fire to buildings Assault: and Homicide: may physically attack or even kill members of a targeted group.
P ASS OUT WORKSHEET Illinois Concealed-carry Law. Video clip Gov. Quinn amendments to law: CLASS DEBATE! After listening to the video’s…. 1. Do you feel that Governor Quinn’s amendments should have been voted into law or do you agree with the veto?
M ATCHING R EVIEW A CTIVITY 1. Open: Photon EDU APP 2. Open on the bottom left of the page “ Glencoe.mcgraw- hill ” 3. Open: “ Student Center ” 4. Drop Down: “ Chapter Activities ” 5. Choose: “Chapter 9” 6. Open: “Interactive Health Tutor” 7. Open: “Chapter 9a” health/gln_health_09/conc_game/english/ch9a/index.ht ml