WASH Cluster Response Plan 2013
Summary Cluster lead agency United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Number of projects Estimated 18 from 18 partners Number of beneficiaries 3 million Funds required $70,000,000
Needs Analysis
Objectives Cluster Objective 1: To save lives by sustaining (operate, maintain, restore and rehabilitate the existing) and expansion (new installations) of improved water availability to 3 million? most vulnerable girls, boys, women and men affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, malnutrition in rural as well as urban areas including schools and health centres. Linked to strategic objective 1 saving lives, 2 -protect and restore basic services, rain water harvesting, IWRM 3 - protective environment in school and CFSS, 4- Joint programming
Cluster Objectives Cluster Objective 2: To save lives by sustaining (operate, maintain, restore and rehabilitate the existing) and expansion (new installations) of sanitation facilities and services to 1 million most vulnerable girls, boys, women and men affected by conflict, malnutrition, disease outbreaks in rural as well as urban areas including schools and health centres Cluster Objective 3: To save lives by promoting hygiene amongst the 3 million? most vulnerable girls, boys, women and men at public health risks through hygiene education and hygiene materials including schools and health centres Cluster Objective 4: To build capacity of communities, local authorities, CBOs, and implementing partners to sustain, expand as well as manage water, sanitation facilities and hygiene services. Linked to all but more linked to 2.
Priority Projects- Beneficiary Targets Conflict Affected (IDPs, host communities and other directly affected). Critical and seriously affected areas with no access to improved water sources and inadequate sanitation. Geographical areas affected by WASH, Health, Nutrition and Food in terms of priorities. (Priority will be given to joint programming with either health or nutrition but this will be no exception if the Water and sanitation needs a higher attention as this can soon become a threat on people’s life and health).
Priority Projects- Action Integrated Water quality, sanitation and hygiene approach Point of use water quality Soap Provision Safe Defecation practices Hygiene education Water quality treatment and monitoring at Source Sufficient Water
Cross Cutting Theme Equity and Gender Environment and natural resources Early Recovery Protection concerns Note: 1.Output Indicators – target 2.Project selection Criteria attached in the sheet
Project selection Criteria As per the vetting committee: Reliable and recent data Realistic time frame Observable and verifiable outcomes Cluster objectives- integrated project Gender marker Cost per beneficiary?
Assessment All assessment listed in annex 2 ( draft YHRP 2013) to be shown in the map. Active involvement in joint assessment. Assess the areas which have not yet been assessed.