14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge1 PCaPAC Review Matthias Clausen DESY/ MKS-2
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge2 PCaPAC 2000 PCaPAC : Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls The third international workshop held in between ICALEPCS conferences. PCaPAC is not in competition with ICALEPCS but meant to be a complement to ICALEPCS. Held from October 9-12 DESY About 120 participants
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge3 Topics : Controlling Accelerator Subsystems and Experiments running systems: including commercial or SCADA systems Operator Interface Interfacing Accelerator Hardware Accelerator Control Objects and Components Integrating Different Systems Control System Architecture System Administration and Project Management Future Trends and Technologies
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge4 Control System Architecture (I) COACK Component Oriented Accelerator Control Kernel Development driven by Isamu Abe from KEK Implementation by industry. License free for other HEP institutes Central Windows NT Server running MS-SQL Basic functions: Graphics, Logs, Alarms… available. Implemented using MS programs All data written and read to/from database Interface for external devices: XML Limited to some thousand I/O points
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge5 Control System Architecture (II) TINE Backbone protocol for DESY accelerator controls Publish / subscribe communication Applications on workstation written in V-Basic Applications on front end written in ‘C’ C++ or V-Basic Variety of operating systems supported TANGO CORBA based control ESRF Genoble Interface to ‘old’ control system TACO (RPC based) Full Linux support
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge6 Control System Architecture (III) ANKA Control System (Mark Plesco) Based on Java Working reliably well Example for remote development of software Development is specific to the controls problem Mainly the implementation ideas can be copied for future projects A lot of Java Beans can be copied ‘as is’
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge7 System Administration NT Administration Special application (here: NetInstall) necessary to coordinate the installation of NT products Trigger regular updates Distinguish between office and controls PC’s Linux Administration Office PC’s as well as Linux farms SUSE YaST-2 management tool AFS support Boot from a floppy
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge8 Trends Future Web technologies (Alberto Pace / CERN) Using the Web not only for Web-pages but also http for file transfer (No AFS needed any more) XML As a new standard document type As a basis for data exchange EPICS as a trend setter How does the collaboration work How does software distribution work -> promote collaboration instead of functionality
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge9 Tutorials : Java / Corba in a Nutshell (by Mark Plesko) Networking Technology Trends (CISCO) Higher bandwidth beyond 1Gbit (still Ethernet) Distribution of ‘Hot Spot’ data files: Remote learning Remote Video IPV6 delayed (if ever) ? Quality of service ? Address space SCADA …