Presented by: Natalie Forde June 12, 2009
SAS Global Forum 2009 National Harbor, Maryland Over 3200 attendees (down a little from last year) 25% came from outside of the US Industries represented: Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Banking Education Insurance Government Telecommunications Retail
SGF 2009 Is a Wrap! SAS ® Global Forum 2009: It's a Wrap! Congratulations to the SAS Global Users Group for another successful SAS Global Forum. More than 3,300 attendees are returning from Washington, DC, with plenty of new SAS knowledge. We've gathered a few resources to help you share in the experience: Netvibes: Visit this site for SAS Global Forum 2009 blog entries, videos, news, press releases and more. Conference proceedings: Download presented papers, information about future conferences and more.
SAS Social Networking Website: Directly link to SAS Global Forum 2009 Homepage: Online site for blogging, twittering and access to videos, news and press releases for all SAS users Crowdvine: social networking site to connect with people at the conference: SAS Global Forum Blog: Direct link to (main year-round SAS online community)
SGF 2009 Proceedings Website: Download all papers presented at this year’s conference By Section: Applications’s Development, Beyond the Basics,…, Systems Architecture Find Papers from previous SGF/SUGI Conferences (Search Engine) Keep up to date for 2010 conference throughout the year
Making the Most of It Presentations Internationsal, Featured, Industry-Focused Pre-conference seminars/Tutorials Coders Corners sessions Get Involved Learn while volunteering highly recommend: Paper by Morgan, Derek, The Essentials of SAS® Dates and Times Hands-on Workshops Demo Booth Interactive walk through What’s new in 9.2…
What’s New in SAS 9.2 Base SAS Software: PROC FCMP is now fully supported Batch jobs can now use checkpoint and restart modes that allow you to rerun jobs that may have failed You can call extrenal functions written in C or C++ using PROTO proc ODS Statistical Graphics SAS/Graph: New Graph procs using ODS graphics including SGRENDER proc that allows you to customize the displays using your own templates (GTL) PROC GTILE (tile charts), PROC GKPI (Key Performance indicators)
What’s New in SAS 9.2 Enterprise Guide 4.2 Simplified the menu structure, contest based menus/toolbars Introduced role based functionality Produces sharper looking graphics PROC Report wizard Conditional task processing OLAP Analyzer Enhancements
Canadian Users’ Twitter Night… Georgetown strip, beer and lots of wings! Twitter Contest on Canadian Trivia Still Some Controversy over the Winning Team…
Gearing up for 2010 April , 2010 Washington State Convention and Trade Center Watch for the Call for Participation this summer!