Have your partner tell you the following numbers in Spanish: Partner A:Partner B:
Have your partner tell you the following numbers in English: Partner A:Partner B: cuarenta y sietetrescientos dos ochocientos catorceochenta y cinco ciento cincuenta y unosetenta y cuatro
Have your partner descramble the letters and tell you the following numbers in Spanish: Partner A:Partner B: eteisiceiddsvinteió etcericnuqe tanvoenitoce sert
Have your partner tell you the “largest” number they can create using the following numbers in Spanish: Partner A:Partner B:
Have your partner tell you the “smallest” number they can create using the following numbers in Spanish: Partner A:Partner B:
Figure out the pattern for you numbers below. Read the number sequence out loud to your partner (in Spanish): Partner A: Cuarenta y cinco, ________, treinta y cinco, treinta, _______, ________. Partner B: Veinte, ________, ________, cincuenta, ________, setenta
Using 3 different numbers to create a math problem for your partner. Have them write it out as you tell it (#s) and give you the answer in Spanish: * + (más)….- (menos)….x (por)…./ (dividido por)… = (es/son) Partner A:Partner B: (Ej: dos más uno menos tres son…) – 3 = 0 (zero)