Presentation Out line Presentation Out line 1. What does sanitation intends to address 2. The Major Pillar of Sanitation 3. Where are we now on Sanitation 4. What have we learnt from the past practices? 5. What are we doing Differently? 6. What are the results after doing things Differently? 7. What is the Ministry’s Plan up to June?
What Does Sanitation mainly intends to Address? What Does Sanitation mainly intends to Address? Address all elements of sanitation but target the highest risk first
The Major Pillar of Sanitation Latrine Hand washing with soap Food Safety and Hygiene Water quality Hand washing with soap
Where are we Now on Sanitation? 1. MOPHS – 67% (does not segregate rural or urban) 2. National Census – 79.2% 3. UNICEF – 56% (Urban), 43%(Rural) 4. JMP – 27% (Urban), 32% (Rural)
What have we Learnt from the past practice? 1. Emphasizing on Latrine construction did not give us fast results and did not necessarily lead to usage. 2. Vertical programme/ project implementation led to vertical thinking and results – more confusion & lack of Sustainability 3. Communities have a lot of un tapped resources 4. Gov’t should provide leadership 5. Lack of sanitation strategy was a challenge
What are we doing Differently? 1. Focus changed from Latrine construction to behaviour change, as first step, 2. Partnership Approach 3. Capacity building of staff – change of mind set 4. Advocacy and Information sharing 5. Creation of National, Regional & District / County coordinating unit 6. Identifying, Training & Capacitating National CLTS master trainers. 7. Common training Manuals & Guide 8. Having a common approach to Sanitation. 9. Sharing experiences with other countries
Why the Change?
What are the Results after doing things differently? Refer to Documents ODF Villages District Claims DPHO 3 rd Party Busia Rachuonyo Siaya Kisumu West Nyando Bondo Total
CLTS Result Con’t 1. Busia – ODF Spill over Villages – 3 (Villagers saw what was happening in their neighborhoods, took action and became ODF). - Had 8 ODF celebrations 2. Nyando – 12 ODF villages delivered by the initiative of a NL 3. Kisumu West – 7 ODF Villages delivered by a Natural Leader
What is the Ministry’s Plan up to June? 1. ODF Certification & Celebration – From 3 rd week of March 2. CLTS Experience Sharing & Advocacy meeting – 4 th Week of March 3. Mopping up of un-trained staff/NGOs on CLTS – 1 st week of April 4. Turkana Training – 2 nd – 3 rd Wk of April 5. Up-scaling of CLTS in 20 Sub-locations or 600 villages 6. Invite Kamal Kar – 3 rd Week of April
Ministry’s Plan Con’t 7. National TOT training by Kamal Kar – 1 st two weeks of May 8. Kitui CLTS training – 3 rd wk of May 9. M & E by National, Regional & Provincial Teams – Continuous 10. Grand review meeting of CLTS in Phase 1 & 2 Districts