What you said
verb is the 2 nd idea of the sentence rules about masculine, feminine & neuter nouns verb conjugation: regular verbs + ‘haben’ & ‘sein’ nominative and accusative cases – how ‘der’ changes to ‘den’ when it is the object of the sentence (when something is being done to it) how to form plurals pronouns definite articles how to speak better German prepositions sentence structure & word order
Germany & its culture/customs how to form sentences properly grammar frequent/common words prepositions using the nominative & accusative cases pronunciation/fluent speaking skills past/future tense genitive case
PowerPoint presentations!!! had fun/enjoyed myself computer work looking at the Wiki page (songs) oral presentation learning about Germany grammar dictionary skills note taking having the exchange students in our class listening to the haben and sein songs!! constructing sentences the ‘Meine Familie” task
Researching/learning about German culture speaking, pronunciation etc practise & revise what we learn moving around the room talking to people in German fun activities work on the internet games (dead fish?!)
WAY more than last year I’ve done my best tried my best as much as possible not much (!! you know who you are ) I’m trying hard to improve
tthe PowerPoint presentations helped wwe should read the funny comics in our textbook tthe wiki page was a good idea II really like German this year GGerman is good IIt’s been a pretty good term GGerman is a lot better this year than last year LLet’s play dead fish?!
This class rocks!! I look forward to it each lesson We need to use the Wiki better and (sorry some of you) do more work out of class. Who is on MSN? Discussion pages of the Wiki – use for questions/concerns about the topic/assignment Keep moving on – the more you learn now, the more of it will be revision for you next year (and especially in Year 11 & 12)
Listen to the interview by clicking HERE! You may listen to the interview 3 times only. (If you can’t hear the sound file, use the one on the Wiki page or see me!) On loose leaf paper write down AS MANY things that you can understand about Susanne. Write down single words if you can’t understand full sentences, that’s fine! It might help to take notes in German and then translate them at the end – up to you. This is to be submitted with your LA on Monday so please work individually.
On Friday I will be recording a 3 minute interview with all of you individually Today you need to prepare what you will say in the interview Topics include: family, names, ages, hobbies, likes, dislikes, pets, friends & favourite things. Use today to prepare a text about the above topics in relation to yourself and your family. Review your “Meine Familie” text – correct it and add to it where needed. Practise interviewing each other. The next slide contains phrases helpful in an interview – write them down and practise using them before Friday!
Wie sagt man “_____” auf Deutsch? How do you say”____” in German? Wie heißt “football” auf Deutsch? What is ”football” called in German? Können Sie das wiederholen bitte? Can you please repeat that? Wie bitte? Pardon?
Friday we will be having a vocab test in preparation for the first chapter of your textbook. You will be tested on the 17 words on page 5. They are items of furniture. You must know the definite article of each noun (der, die or das).