David Badcock Head of Recovery Engagement - Addaction The role of drug treatment providers in the care pathway: practical learning from the South West.


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Presentation transcript:

David Badcock Head of Recovery Engagement - Addaction The role of drug treatment providers in the care pathway: practical learning from the South West of England

Addaction – Past and Present 1967 Association of Parents of Addicts (APA) founded by Mollie Craven (mother of a heroin addict) 1997 rebranded as Addaction. Over the years we have built services, links with government, policy-makers and influencers. Worked with 50,000 people last year, helping them and their families deal with the effects of drug and alcohol misuse UK’s leading specialist drug and alcohol treatment provider

Addaction – always been about Recovery Our ambition to help and support people with drug and alcohol problems and their families recover from their addiction goes right back to our foundation over forty years ago Drug Strategy: Recovery at its heart Championing recovery by recognising the achievements of people that have turned their lives around and use their enthusiasm and inspiration to help turn around the lives of others. Blood Borne Viruses Every person at risk or affected by BBVs can receive the appropriate information, care and support.

Hepatitis C Workforce Development Programme 600 front-line key workers trained in hepatitis C 100% relevant services to offer Dry Blood Spot Testing 2,000 extra people tested for hepatitis C 90% of those tested positive to be referred into treatment

BBV Peer Education Programme Sustainable volunteer peer-led education service Raises awareness of BBVs and encourages more high risk individuals into testing and treatment Established BBV peer support groups Developing capacity of services to support people affected by or at risk of BBVs

Hepatitis C Training Bar Chart: Average Staff confidence scores pre and post hepatitis C training (N=503) [Confidence score range 1 to 5]

Hepatitis C Testing Table: Testing data prior to training at baseline ( ) and following training ( ) [note that the 2014 data includes January to February only].

The South West - A Unique Partnership Addaction’s ambition is to offer hepatitis C treatment within it’s own service delivery, as a choice alongside traditional tertiary care Brings together Staff knowledge & confidence Peer education Also includes Buddying treatment support

Eliminating Hepatitis C Within a Lifetime

David Thank you