LNF-INFN Frascati
Peak luminosity evolution in Luminosity is what matter…in our case L = cm -2 s -1 (to day) …..and the physics…. KLOE FINUDA LUCE DI SINCROTRONE FISICA di MACCHINA-SRFF FASCI ESTRATTI
KLOE – (K LOng Exp.) DAFNE e+e- KK is a source of monochromatic correlated low energy Kaons FINUDA Kaons absorbed by nuclei Sistematic study of exotic nuclei DAFNE experiments KLOE is running his year
KLOE FINUDA exotic nuclei SIDDHARTA Kaonic atoms SRFF ? TODAY The program is well defined for the coming three years FINUDA exotic nuclei
KLOE physics results: Vus from KL, KS and charged K’s Kaon form factors Pion form factors/g-2 Ks rare decays charged kaon decays KS semileptonic decays KL branching ratios KL life time KS to radiative decays eta decays KO-KObar interference
1)Collect 2 fbarn-1 on resonance – end of the current year 2) Scan over the resonance 50 pbarn-1 3) 250 pbarn-1 at 1000MeV, below the , to measure pion form factors 1st April 2006 END of KLOE 2006 Nuclear Physics with FINUDA 2007 Kaonic Atoms with SIDDHARTA 2008 FINUDA and SRFF with DAFNE
SC 1.3 GHz cavity Experimental studies on short-bunches and bunch-length modulation at DA NE SRFF = Superconductive RadioFrequency Focusing EXPERIMENT Longitudinal phase space RF input RF center RF output IP Bunch length Energy spread
The 7th and 8th of November we have in Frascati an international workshop on Bunch Dynamics. We hope to have the scientific case at the end of the workshop. You are invited to collaborate You can find the relevant information for the workshop on the web:
What else are we doing
1)LNF Experiments in other Laboratories CERN CERN LNGS LNGS SLAC TJNAF FNAL FNAL DESY DESY, SLAC,CERN Cascina Pamela
June proposals >70 users June proposals >70 users TARI1+I3 2) Use of the Synchrotron light lines 2) Synchrotron light facility much used by external users
Control room § Flux: 1 particles/pulse § Energy: 25 750 MeV § Repetition rate 50 Hz § Pulse Duration 1 or 10 ns § p resolution: 1% § Spot size x,y ≈ 2 mm Electrons Positrons and Tagged Photons beams 3)Beam Test Facility
4)CNAO GSI RFQ+linac Scanning and monitoring stations Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica A proton synchrotron In the hospital of Pavia
LNF-AD participates to the Assembling Commissioning First running Technology transfer
Delay Loop and transfer line final lay-out Transfer line: installed and commissioned. Delay Loop: installation spring-summer 2005, commissioning autumn 2005 D.Alesini, G.Benedetti, C.Biscari, R.Boni, M.Castellano, A.Clozza, A.Drago, D.Filippetto, A.Gallo, A.Ghigo (resp), F.Marcellini, C.Milardi, L.Pellegrino, B.Preger, M.A.Preger, R.Ricci, C.Sanelli, M.Serio, F.Sgamma, A.Stecchi, A.Stella, M.Zobov + Accelerator Division Technical Staff
5) At CERN CTF3 (CLIC Test Facility) Delay Loop, transfer line, combiner ring
S orgente P ulsata A uto-amplificata R adiazione C oerente Self-Amplified Pulsed Coherent Radiation 6) FEL nei LNF L.Palumbo
LINAC UNDULATOR synchronisation uncompressed pulse vacuum compressor acceleration chamber detectors area control & data
6) High Intensity Laser Laboratory
7) Experimental setup for LWFA acceleration of externally injected electrons in a gas-jet plasma TeraWatt GigaVolt/m Frascati Laser for Acceleration and Multidisciplinary Experiments Approved: The construction is starting now
FEL for X-rays Covering from the VUV to the 1 Å X-ray spectral range Approved (nm) Brilliance of X-ray radiation sources SPARX 8) SPARC-X
Linac1: Low Energy section RF gun
Linac2: High energy section Now : E tot ~ 1.2 GeV dogleg start E tot ~ w 4 S-band : 1.5 GeV e -, 1GeV e + E tot ~ w 4 X-band 2 GeV e -
What about the short range future ? WE ARE THINKING ABOUT the possible DAFNE UPGRADE in luminosity AND energy To do what? 1)To complete the Kaon physics program 2)To measure the P, N, time like form factors 3)To measure interactions below 2.4 GeV 4)To measure the total cross section 5)To continue the systematic studies of exotic heavy and light nuclei 6)To have the most advanced accelerator technology 7)To have an even more intense Synchrotron light source
Starting point for the accelerator design Total Energy (GeV) Integrated Luminosity per year (ftbarn -1 ) 8 Total integrated luminosity 203 Peak luminosity > (cm -1 sec -2 ) DAFNE2 e+ e- collider Optimized to run on the meson but able to go up in energy
Two rings One IR SKETCH OF NEW LAYOUT DAFNE HALL EXP Rf cavities wigglers DAFNE2
Injection system upgrade The proposed transfer lines pass in existing controlled area Additional shielding needed in the area between the accumulator and DAFNE buildings new e- line new e+ line accumulator BTF DAFNE2 SPARCX
RF system A possible candidate cavity 500 MHz SC cavity operating at KEKB Higher frequencies – lower acceptance Lower frequencies – higher voltage R&D on SC cavities with SRFF experiment in DAFNE
Why wigglers are important? To achieve the short damping times and ultra-low beam emittances needed in LC Damping Rings To increase the wavelength and/or brightness of emitted radiation in synchrotron light sources To increase radiation damping and control emittance in colliders E. Levichev We can make use of the recent progress in SUPERCONDUCTING wiggler technology Operating experiences: CESRc, ELETTRA, CAMD R&D in progress: ILC, ATF, PETRA3, …
Use of DAFNE2 as Synchrotron light source Beam Energy (GeV) Beam Current (A) B dipoles field (T) B wigglers field (T) 4. New scenarios
CONCLUSIONS VERY ACTIVE Laboratory for the coming three-four years INFN will define the future of the Lab in the course of 2006
Frascati National Labs (LNF) Lab footprint m 2 Total Staff 368 Researchers 98 Technologist/ Engineers 62 Technicians 167 Administration/ Services 41 External Users 323 Italian 252 Foreigners 71 Visitors 3200 Stages 170
N-N Energy per beamE GeV CircumferenceC m 100 LuminosityL cm -2 sec Current per beamI A N of bunchesNbNb Particles per bunchN Emittance mm mrad Horizontal beta* xx m 11 Vertical beta* yy cm 12 Bunch length LL cm 12 Coupling % 11 Energy lost per turnUoUo (keV) H damping time xx (msec) 135 Beam PowerPwPw (kW) 62 (55w + 7d)94.6 (42w + 53d) Power per meterP w /m (kW/m) 8.6w + 0.5d8.4w + 3.8d
DA NE the 16th of September L peak = 1.46 cm -2 sec -1 Integrated luminosity = 8.8 pbarn -1 /day KLOE WILL STOP DAQ END 2005 With 2000 pbarn-1 integrated