E-Reader E-xtravaganza Kelsey Bates TA/GA ITD and Help Desk Michelle Bourgeois TA/GA ITD and Help Desk
Overview What are the likes and dislikes about e-readers? How can they be used professionally? E-readers available on the market The future of e-readers Additional sources
What Do People Like About E-Readers?
Easy to travel with The “New Factor” Increases opportunities to read Gathering place for everything Book covers aren’t visible Easy to purchase books Easy way to make notes
What Do People Dislike About E-Readers?
Miss the actual paper On tablets there’s too many things available Can be an investment Still hard to find some books Too many books available Competition between the e-readers
How Can They Be Used Professionally?
E-books offered through the library Help patrons use theirs Loan them to patrons
Kindles Most Popular Most are E-Ink Extensive Library Amazon Cloud Dual Prices with Special Offers Kindle Prime Apps Doesn’t Read ePubs
Kindle Wi-Fi Connectivity 6 Inch E-Ink Screen 2 GB Storage (1,400 Books) 5-Way Controller $79 or $109
Kindle Touch Wi-Fi and 3G Audiobooks 6 Inch E-Ink Screen 4 GB Storage (3000 Books) Touch Screen $99 or $139 / $149 or $189
Kindle Keyboard Wi-Fi and 3G Audiobooks 9.7 Inch E-Ink Screen 6 GB Storage (3000 books) Keyboard $139 or $189
Kindle DX 3G Only Audiobooks 9.7 Inch E-Ink Screen 6 GB (3000 Books) Keyboard $379
Kindle Fire Wi-Fi Movies, TV Shows, Apps, Games, Songs, Audiobooks 7 Inch Vibrant Color IPS Screen Amazon Silk Web Browser 8 GB (80 Apps and 6,000 Books) Touch Screen $199
Nooks Some have E-Ink Extensive Library Greater Availability of Library Books Has Actual Page Numbers Apps Doesn’t Read DOC, TXT, RTF
Simple Touch Nook Wi-Fi 6 Inch E-Ink Screen 2 GB Storage (1,000 books) Touch Screen $99 (No Ads)
Simple Touch Nook with Glow Light Wi-Fi 6 Inch E-Ink Screen 2 GB Storage (1,000 books) Touch Screen $139
Nook Color Wi-Fi Movies, TV, Apps, Games, Songs 7 Inch Color Screen 8 GB Storage (5,000 books) Touch Screen $169
Nook Tablet Wi-Fi Movies, TV, Apps, Games, Songs 7 Inch Color Screen 8 or 16 GB Storage Touch Screen $199/$249
Sony Reader Wi-Fi Audiobooks 6 Inch E-Ink Screen 1.3 GB Storage (1,200 books) Touch Screen $129
iPad iBookstore Retina Display Wi-Fi and Cellular iCloud 9.7 Inch LED-backlit Safari Web Browser 16, 32 and 64 GB Multi-Touch $329 to $829
The Future Google’s Nexus 7 Mini iPad NFC Chips for Nooks Kindle Color
Additional Resources Instapaper Calibre Blogs Free Websites LibraryRenewal.org