A 60-year-old man with weight loss and bilateral leg swelling Dr. Md. Abdul Mumit Sarkar Resident Phase – A(Gastroenterology) Endocrinology Department
Patient Information Patient Information Name Mr. M S M Sex Male Age 60 years Address Nogorkanda, Faridpur Occupation Retired police man Date of admission
Presenting complaints Increased frequency of defecation 3 yrs Progressive weight loss 3 yrs Bilateral leg swelling 20 days
History of present illness Defaecation 8-10 times/day Semisolid stool Not mixed with blood No relation with foods or drugs Not abdominal pain
History of present illness Weight loss Progressive Lost 10kg during his course of illness Normal appetite Associated heat intolerance No associated increased thirst or increased frequency of micturition No H/O fever,cough,haemoptysis or night sweat
History of present illness Bilateral leg swelling Swelling of scrotum and prepuce Associated with exertional dyspnoea,orthpnoea & palpitation No H/O chest pain No H/O scanty high coloured uine No past H/O of jaundice
History of present illness No H/O contact with known TB patient
Past History H/O hospital admission in 1999 with the complaints of fever and black tarry stool. Blood transfusion-1 unit
Family history He is father of 5 children No H/O thyroid or cardiac disease in the family Socioeconomic history Low socioeconomic status
Personal history Non smoker No H/O alcohol abuse Drinks tube well water Uses sanitary latrine
Treatment History Tab-Propranolol(40mg) 1/2 0 1/2 (29/7/13)
General Examination(on admission) Anxious looking Cooperative Well oriented to time, place and person Below average body built Mildly anaemic Aanicteric
General Examination(on admission) Exophthalmos Swelling of eye lids Fine tremor Thyroid gland-Normal PR - 60beats/min irregularly irregular Pulsus deficit-present
General Examination BP 110 / 70 mmHg in sitting position over right arm JVP Raised RR 18 /min Weight 57 kg Temp 98 0 F Oedema ++
Systemic Examination Cardiovascular System Apex beat-Lt. 6 th ICS 11cm from midline Thrusting No Lt.parasternal heave No thrill 1st heart sound soft in mitral area Normal 2 nd heart sound Pansystolic murmer-over mitral area No radiation
Respiratory System Examination Trachea-central Breath sound-vesicular & reduced from rt.8 th intercostal space and downward Vocal resonance-reduced Percussion note-Dull Fine inspiratory cerpitation over both lung bases
Systemic Examination Per abdomen Liver 3cm from rt. Sub costal margin in the mid clavicular line Firm Non tender Smooth surface Rounded border Upper border of liver dullness on rt.5 th intercostal space No hepatic bruit
Per abdomen No splenomegaly No para aortic lymphadenopathy No ascites No bruit
Other system examination No abnormality
Provisional diagnosis Graves’ thyrotoxicosis with ophthalmopathy with CCF with AF
Hospital Course Treated with Tab-Asprin(75mg) 0 1 0 Tab-Carvedilol(6.25mg) 1/2 0 1/2 Tab-Spironolactone(25mg) 1 0 0 Cap-Loperamide(2mg) 1 0 1 Tab-Paracetamol(500mg) 1 1 1
Investigations Test Name21/08/2013 Hb9.6g/dl ESR70 mm in1 st hr RBC3.77X10 12 /L Platelets120X10 9 /L WBC5X10 9 /L Neutrophil48% Lymphocytes39% Monocytes05% Eosinophils08% basophils00%
Investigations Test Name21/08/2013 HCT0.31L/L MCV82.2fl MCH25.5pg MCHC31.0g/dl Blood Film(29/04/2013) RBC: Dimorphic blood picture with microcytes,few elliptical cell and rouleaux formation WBC: Mature with above count and distribution Platelet-Reduced Comment: Bicytopenia
InvestigationsResult FPG3.9mmol/L HbA1c5.7% Serum Creatinine0.9 mg/dl Serum Albumin20g/dl SGPT30U/L Total Cholesterol84mg/dl LDL-Cholesterol43mg/dl HDL-Cholesterol32mg/dl Triglyceride45mg/dl
Investigations Urine R/M/E (21/08/2013) Pus cells :0-2/hpf RBC : Nil Epithelial Cells: 0-2/hpf Protein : nil Chest Xray(21/08/13) Right sided mild pleural effusion with consolidation
Investigations Test Name30/07/201321/08/2013 FT32.13ng/ml FT41.34ng/ml2.67ng/ml TSH0.09mIU/L0.045mIU/L ECG-Atrial fibrillation with lateral ischemia
Thyroid Scan Finding Both lobes of thyroid gland are enlarged. There is uniform and increased radio tracer accumulation shown throughout the gland.There is no background activity is seen.
USG Of Thyroid Gland Both lobes of thyroid gland are enlarged (AP of right lobe-20.5 mm, AP of left lobe- 22mm).Thyroid parenchyma is heterogenous in echotexture.
Problem lists When to start definitive treatment of thyrotoxicosis? Is management of CCF optimum? Is there any role of anticoagulant? What is the cause of bicytopenia? What is the cause of cardiac murmur?