Montgomery County ESC Phase II: SLO Training
In order to show growth you need to have a consistent framework between the pre- and post-assessments. Creating an assessment framework will help you plan the structure and design of your assessments.
What is included in an assessment framework? ◦ Clear identification of standards to be covered ◦ Priority of standards ◦ Sample size ◦ Identification of assessment questions/types ◦ Connections to content to drive item creation
Identify what standards your assessment will cover. These may be called the big ideas or power standards. Reference state or national documents to determine priorities. ◦ Hint: Try using heading titles to ensure clarity.
Once the big ideas are identified, prioritize them. Discuss what percentage of the whole assessment (100%) each big idea represents. Number of standards does not necessarily equal relative importance. Can use ranges when agreement cannot be reached.
Determine the number of questions (or overall points) for your assessments. This should be appropriate for your grade- level of students. Correlate each prioritized big idea to a number within your assessment. Example: ◦ Whole test to have 50 questions. ◦ Big Idea #1 is 25% of assessment. ◦ Big Idea #1 would have questions.
The three main type of assessment question types are: ◦ Selected Response ◦ Open Response ◦ Performance Assessment
Students select the response. Examples: ◦ True/False ◦ Matching ◦ Multiple Choice PARCC multiple choice = select all that apply
Students provide the answer. Examples: ◦ Fill in the Blank ◦ Short Answer ◦ Extended Response ◦ Essay Requires usage of tool to measure mastery (rubric).
Students provide evidence of meeting a defined criteria. Examples: ◦ Lab Report ◦ Musical Performance ◦ Fitness test Requires usage of tool to measure mastery (rubric).
Assessment items must link to the content. Items should also assess the standards at the appropriate level of rigor. ◦ Example: It would be hard to show if a student can “evaluate” a concept using a matching question. This step will mainly help you identify topics for specific assessment items once it is time to write them.
Each subject, course, or grade level may have different needs or focus areas. Helpful Hints: ◦ Try to model your assessments off of state or national models. ◦ Use your curriculum maps to help you determine priority, question numbers and types. What is best for your course?
Work with teachers of similar courses to complete the Big Ideas handout.Big Ideas handout ◦ Approximately 30 minutes Use the Big Ideas handout to complete your Assessment Framework. Assessment Framework ◦ Approximately30 minutes Or Work on developing your SLO.SLO