Luke 13:20-30
Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24) JESUS is the door – the way (John 10:9, 14:6)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24) JESUS is the door – the way (John 10:9, 14:6) I am not interested in the way now – you will be (v. 25)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24) JESUS is the door – the way (John 10:9, 14:6) Knowing of and being in the presence of Jesus not enough to be saved by Jesus (v. 26, Matt. 7:21)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24) JESUS is the door – the way (John 10:9, 14:6) Weeping and gnashing of teeth when you realize you are not the few (v , Matt. 8:10-12, 19:30-20:15)
Luke 13:20-30 Strive – AGONIZOMAI (v. 24) Strive to enter NARROW door (v. 24) JESUS is the door – the way (John 10:9, 14:6) You can be part of the few – follow Jesus (Mk. 16:16, Matt. 7:14).