1 Nishant Kolgaonkar ‘Utterly’, ‘Butterly’, ‘Delicious’ Quiz
2 This quiz is indeed unique… It is based on these three beautiful words….’Utterly’, ‘Butterly’,‘Delicious’…… These three words have now become ‘Taste of India’…. It is based on the wonderful world of Anand Milk Union Limited…a.k.a as ‘AMUL’ Amul butter hoardings -- always a parody on old news or recent events….a surreal world of copy writing…. Billboards that features a cherubic little girl, probably 4-6 years old dressed in a polka-dotted frock, sharp-witted and who fortunately, never ages …. Surprise Contest
3 I've put the most comprehensible but definitely not the best ad pictures here … Take a look at the first 15 hoardings (pictures). H1- H15… Simply Identify the central themes from each of those 15 hoardings displayed in subsequent slides… The rest of the slides are for you to enjoy… Hint: Look carefully at the pictures and the words…you will find the answers !.. 10 or more Correct answers are winners !...
4 H-1
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17 H-14
18 H-15
19 16 From H -16 ONWARDS are not part of quiz …but you can still attempt !..
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29 Amul Butter advertisements form a large chunk of the collective memory of Indians. We grew with them as the ads grew with us. They are quirky, poke fun at no one in particular and are pure eye-candy! This 38-year old ad campaign has been handled by daCunha associates - who credit the brilliance of the campaign to Dr Kurien, Amul's founder. Sylvester DaCunha and Eustace Fernandes (art) created the Amul Girl to compete with Polson Butter's girl. I don't even remember Polson Butter! Bharat Dabholkar, worked his Hinglish zingers on the campaign for more than a decade