Today is April 16, 2012 It is an A Day
What’s for Lunch? Beef Tacos with Flour or Corn Tortillas Honey Chicken Tenders with a Roll
Hershey Park T-Shirt Vote Choice #1 10 Votes Choice #3 11 Votes Choice #2 5 Votes
Today’s weather 88° and Sunny
Band Sectionals PD 1- Concert Band Percussion PD 2 – Wind Ensemble Saxophones PD 4: Concert Band Wood Winds PD 7: Wind Ensemble Clarinets
Orchestra Sectionals PD 3 – 7/8 Violin I PD 4 – 7/8 Violin II PD 8 – 7/8 Violin III PD 9 – 7/8 Viola
MYTH Autism is a rare disorder
FACT In Howard County Public Schools, 1 in 73 students is diagnosed with autism
Van Ceu