Fourth Sunday of Lent March 30, 2003
In those days…
The anger of the Lord was so inflamed… there was no remedy! The Chaldeans – B– B– B– Burnt the house of God – T– T– T– Tore down the walls of Jerusalen –S–S–S–Set all its palaces afire –D–D–D–Destroyed all its precious objects – T– T– T– Those who escaped the sword were carried captives to Babylon.
Thus the prophesy of Jeremiah was fulfilled:
The Lord inspired King Cyrus of Persia… and proclaimed:
God, rich in mercy, Because of the great love he had for us Even when we were death in our sins, He made us live with Christ He raised us up with Christ Jesus Seated us with him in the heavens.
Jesus said to Nicodemus