Units 12: World War II
Totalitarianism: Fascism & Communism
American Neutrality, Neutrality Acts of Cash & Carry Policy, 1939 Lend-Lease Act 1941 U.S. declaration of war after the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan, 1941 World War 2 begins, 1939
Changes on the American Home Front Office of Price Administration fixed priced & created ration books to save resources Office of War Information directed press, print, radio, & film propaganda War Production Board directed U.S. industry Mobilization for war
Changes on the American Home Front Impact on women, African Americans, Japanese Americans
Unit 13: The Cold War & 1950s
Post War Foreign Policy United Nations Israel, Japan, & Germany Cold War: Democracy & Capitalism vs. Communism Yalta & Potsdam Conferences Soviet Satellites Iron Curtain Containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO Berlin Airlift
Arms Race (Hydrogen Bomb) “New Look”: ICBMs, CIA, Massive Retaliation & Brinksmanship Red Scare, McCarthyism, Loyalty Review Board, HUAC Spies: Alger Hiss, Rosenbergs
The “Affluent Society”