Delft University of Technology – Erasmus University Rotterdam University of Twente – Radboud University Nijmegen University of Groningen Traplas A Transport Planning Simulator Jonne Zutt, Willem Drost and Herbert de Vos Delft University of Technology Netherlands
ICAPS Pickup and delivery transport Pickup and Delivery Transportation Problem: Freight has to be transported from a source to a destination location respecting specified time intervals on a transport network with limited capacities and speeds. Limited capacities lead to conflicts.
ICAPS Approach Multi-agent system, where the agents are vehicle planners, crossroad agents, customers, auctioneers, etc. T RAPLAS : based on Pamela’s RTL, a discrete event simulation kernel [vanGemund]. Linking experimental results to theory and use results to discover new relations.
ICAPS Port of Rotterdam (ECT)
ICAPS TraplasViz – a screenshot
ICAPS Research questions What information is necessary to obtain efficient planning methods (collaboration vs competition)? What happens when varying workload, number of agents (scalability), incident level (normal to extreme circumstances, robustness)? What is the relation between performance and characteristics of the transport network?
ICAPS Applications Autonomous guided vehicle terminals (ECT) Underground logistic system (OLS) Inland shipping Taxiing of airplanes at an airport