Tom Smalling, MS, RRT, RPFT, RPSGT, FAARC Chair Chair AARC Sleep Specialty Section
2 The reason why we are having this meeting… The AARC Board of Directors approved the formation of a specialty section in polysomnography which become effective January 1 st, This is the first ‘official’ section meeting.
3 Some things we’ve accomplished We produced four section bulletins (spring and summer 2005 issues). Craig Traxler, RRT, RPFT, RPSGT is the bulletin editor. Monthly e- newsletters have been distributed to section membership. A Steering Committee conference call meeting was held on February 15th to refine section action agenda and coordinate AARC efforts at promoting National Sleep Awareness Week (March 28th – April 4th).
4 Some things we’ve accomplished Section membership has grown to over 485 members (3 rd qtr.). Significant coverage in the May and June issues of the AARC Times has been helpful in promoting the section. AARC Webcasts were offered on September 6th, 2005 covering CPAP and Bi-Level Titration of OSA and on September 26th, 2005 covering Obesity and its Effect on Obstructive Apnea.
5 Some things we’ve accomplished In addition, a series of 7 webcasts were developed for section members only: –Sleep Pathophysiology I (Sleep Disordered Breathing and Treatment Options): Andy DesRosiers, RRT, RPSGT –Sleep Pathophysiology II (Dysomnias, Parasomnias, Neurologic, Movement Disorders): Andy DesRosiers, RRT, RPSGT –Sleep Pharmacology: Suzanne Bollig, RRT, RPSGT, REEGT –Managing Sleep Lab Instrumentation (Signal Sources and Signal Processing/Electrical Theory; Sleep Lab Instrumentation and Calibration): Russell Rozensky, RRT, RPSGT –Artifact Recognition and Troubleshooting: Tom Smalling, RRT, RPFT, RPSGT –Measurements of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (MSLT/MWT and Sleepiness Scales): Mike Delayo, RPSGT –Polysomnographic Record Scoring and Calculations: Russell Rozensky, RRT, RPSGT.
6 Some things we’ve accomplished The Section is proud to announce that a total of 13 RT programs received CAAHEP approval for an optional program in polysomnography. CoARC will continue to review more programs for initial accreditation at its meetings in March, July, and November of 2006.
7 Committee Chairs – 2005/06 Nominations –Ron Richard Publications –Craig Traxler Program –Sharon Baer Recognition –John Mathias Consultant Panel –John BasileCPG/Protocol –Denise Wilson Legislative Affairs –Dave Gourley
8 Some things we’ve accomplished The section established a Nominations Committee, Publications Committee, and Program Committee to aid the Section in the accomplishment of the Section’s goals and charges (as per AARC Policy SS.001) Nominations Committee to solicit nominations for Chair-elect Publications Committee to develop quarterly Bulletins, solicit articles for AARC publications, and help develop/review content for specialty section website. Program Committee to assist the AARC Program Committee with preparation of a specialty program for the International Congress and Summer Forum.
9 Some things we’ve accomplished The section established a a Recognition Committee and Consultant Panel to aid the Section in the accomplishment of the Section’s goals and charges (as per AARC Policy SS.001) Recognition Committee to develop nomination/selection guidelines and to solicit nominations for Specialty Section Practitioner of the Year - deadline is August 31 st Consultant Panel to develop a section Resource Directory containing experts in various areas of polysomnography who volunteer to address questions and concerns.
10 Some things we’ve accomplished The section established a CPG/Protocol Committee to: Review and revise AARC Clinical Practice Guideline related to polysomnography. Establish and maintain a protocol resource directory on the website. The section established a Legislative Affairs Committee to: Monitor state and federal licensure/credentialing/reimbursement issues that may impact RTs in polysomnography. Communicate the information to Section Chair and Publications Chair.
11 Some things we still need to accomplish… Goals for next year? 2. Discuss need for any other ad-hoc committees? 3. Any other suggestions?