Doping Control Seminar - Mohamed Wagdy Azzam - Head of Anti-Doping commission, CAC - CAC forum - VCC, Pietermaritzburg, SA - 5 th Aug. 2015
Agenda 1- Organization. 2- DCS. 3- Who has access to the DCS. 4- Storage. 5- Sending Samples to the laboratory. 6- Highlights. 7- Questions.
Organization II- Equipment : - Berlinger Kits ( 1.5*number of the tests ). - Partials ( 1.5*number of the tests ). - UCI AD forms : DC forms/ Notification forms /Chain of custody forms. - Waiting Room : Drinks/ chairs/ table/ rubbish pin. - Lavatories : toilets/ running water/ soap/ towels/ mirror on the wall.
Organization V- Doping Control Station ( DCS ) : - It consists of 3 Parts :- a- Waiting Room. b- Administration room. C- Lavatories.
Doping Control Station A : Waiting room B: Administration Room C: Lavatories
Doping Control Stations Different types of DCS
Organization VI- Who has access to the doping station ? - DCO. - Selected riders. - Riders representative and/or interpreters. - Chaperons. - On-duty sample collection personnel.
Storage 1- Samples stored in a manner that protects their identity, integrity and security until the transport. 2- Never Left Un-attended unless they are locked in a fridge or a cupboard with restricted access to authorized personnel. 3- Specify the storage mode in CoC form
Sending samples to the laboratory 1- Send to a laboratory designated by the CADF. 2- Fill in the CoC form : - Urine : Sample code only - One form /day, associated to a box. 3- DCF & CoC are placed with the samples in the transportation box. 4- When ever possible on the day of collection BUT maximum every 2 days.
Highlights 1- Sanctions. 2- Most popular Doping substances. 3- Doping Methods. 4- Blood Doping.
Any Questions ?
Thank You
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