Elements of Art By: Taylor Mayfield
Line Marks made from a moving point Has diagonal lines Dotted linesCurved linesStraight lines
Shape Element of art that refers to an enclosed area of 2-D or 3_D space that is defined by its external edge Almost everything you see has one main shape A shape can be created within an artwork by enclosing an area with a line, or it can be achieved by making changes in value, colors, forms, or one of the other elements of art
space Distance/area, around,between, above, below,within a given area Deal with actual physical space or illusion of space depending on aims of the artist Major division with the composition of an artwork and areas of positive and negative
Value Refer to degree and qualities of lightness or darkness In color theory, which refers to the lightness/tint or darkness/shade of a color pink is a tint red
Phenomena as a result of reflection or absorption of light by a surface three properties of color are hue, value and intensity. color
Elements of art that refer to the perceived of its quality “feel” of the object if it is rough smooth or soft and more artworks can deal with actual physical texture of its surface or even the illusion of the texture depending on the aim of the artist Texture
It refers to three dimensional quality of the artwork Form