Respiratory System Purpose1.Events Respiration –
I. Organs of Respiratory System A. Series of tubes & chambers. B. Two divisions. First division a.b. Second division a.b.
C. Nose – initial receiving chamber a.b.
D. Pharynx Composed of skeletal muscle. 3. Lined with. 4. Back of nasal cavity to the larynx: a.b.c.
E. Larynx – 1. Connects to. 2. Thyroid Cartilage. 3. Cartilage 4. Cartilage 5. Vocal Cords 6. Vocal Cords 7.
F. Trachea – wind pipe 1. cm long. 2. Supported by -shaped rings, muscle, & fibers. 3. Lined with mucous membrane. secreting cells (PSCC). secreting cells (PSCC). 4. columnar cells. Cilia beats in synch to removed trapped particles in mucus. – expelled or swallowed. – expelled or swallowed. prevents from reaching the.
G. Bronchial Tree 1. – Right & Left 2. Bronchi
H. Alveoli – million/ lung. 1. Increase (size of tennis 70 m 2 ). 2. Thin layer of watery fluid which is necessary for gas exchange (moisture). 3. (aveloi tissues stick together). 4. – detergent like lipids – counteracts tension.
5. Pre-mature babies –. a. Run a chance of. b. Force air in & out. c.. d. (RDS) or (HMD). e. / yr die 6. Capillaries a. Walls of aveoli in close contact with capillary walls. b. Thin membrane for.5um.
I.Lungs – Gas exchange between 1. Characteristics 1. Characteristics a.. b.. c.. d. - attachment to trachea & heart. 2. Serous Membrane () a.– lines the thoraic wall. b. – line outer surface of lings. c.– space between parietal & visceral. d.– Lubricates surface to reduce friction created from breathing. e. – Reduction of fluid & membrane rubs against.
3. Divisions a. Lobes –compartments 1. Right Lung – lobes – larger 2. Left Lung – lobes 3. Fissures –lobes b. – supplied by a smaller branch of bronchi. c. – receives a single bronchiole, arteriole, venule.
II. Mechanisms of Breathing A. – Contraction of the respiratory muscle to expand the volume of the thorax & lungs
B. Expiration a.. b.. c.. d.. e..
Mechanisms of Breathing
C. Respiratory Volume – measures respiratory volumes. 3. Average ml/ breath.
Respiratory Volume
III. Exchange of Gases A. of oxygen & Carbon dioxide at the alveoi & blood (respiration), blood & cells ( respiration). B. Oxygen & Carbon dioxide will follow by moving from areas of greater & areas of. C. Nitrogen – %Each create a partial pressure Oxygen - % Carbon - % D. Each gas will at rate based on partial.
E.External Respiration Alveoli & Blood stream Establishes a gradient. 3. % of oxygen bind to ( ). ( ). 4. % in plasma. 5.Carbon dioxide partial pressure is in the then. 6.Establishes a 7.Carbon dioxide the blood
F. Internal Respiration 1. Relies on in capillaries & intersitial fluid. 2. of Carbon Dioxide in blood changes to bicarbonate ions (HCO ) 3. % of carbon dioxide binds with hemoglobin. 4. % remains dissolved.
5. CO2 + H20 () -> H2CO3 -> HCO3 () +H. 6. Once changed, moves to plasma & remain in RBC by binding to hemoglobin. 7. at the capillaries in the lungs.
IV. Control of Breathing. A. Rate & deepness is control by the is in the brain. B. Respiratory Center 1. Center. a. – only active when needing a more forceful breathing. b. – Normal breathing: for inhalation. for inhalation. for exhaling. for exhaling.
C. (Upper pons) – Decreases the rate 1.– decreases breathing rate. 2. – Long durations – increases breathing rate. D. (lower Pons) Sends signal to dorsal respiratory to prolong inspiration. E. Factors that effect breathing. 1. Chemical changes in the blood. ()()()() 2. Stretch of lungs. ()()()() 3. Mental state
V. Diseases 1. a. Pulmonary edema (Fluid accumulation in lungs) 1., spasms of smooth muscle in small bronchi. 2.. Alveoli & alveoli ducts are destroyed by leukocytes. Causes:,,. 3. Infection of alveoli by or. of fluid within the alveoli which fills with pathogens. of fluid within the alveoli which fills with pathogens. 4. – Number 1 killer in America.