Hitler & the Rise of Nazi Germany
A. Conditions in Germany Weimer Republic-democratic govt. set up with a parliament-led by Prime Minister 2. Unrest a. communists wanted radical changes b. conservatives attacked govt. as too liberal c. all classes blamed govt. for Versailles treaty d. Scapegoat were German Jews for problems
– B. Political struggles 1. Coalition govt. 2. Attacked from left and right 3. Blamed Reimer Rep. for Versailles Treaty 4. many blamed German Jews for problems
C. Weimer Republic 1. Weimer Republic formed 1919 a. Democratic govt. b. Parliamentary system c. Led by a chancellor (prime minister).
D. Runaway inflation French occupied Ruhr valley (coal mining) 2. Germans refused to work 3. Govt. printed money to pay workers 4. Result-runaway inflation 5. Savings were wiped out.
E. Dawes Plan U.S. plan to help Germany 2. Economy recovered until Great Depression 3. Looked to Hitler to restore greatness
F. Nazi Party 1. Hitler born in Austria developed anti-Semitism in Vienna 3. Fought in WWI joined a small group of extremists=National Socialist German Workers +Nazi for short a. Became right-wing extremist b Leader of Nazi party c. Organized “storm troopers” to fight
G tried to overthrow the government. – 1. Sent to prison (sentenced 9 years-served 1)
– 2. Wrote Mein Kampf in prison – a. Basic Nazi ideology book – b. Germans belonged to “Aryan race” – c. Other races must “bow” to Aryan needs – d. Germany needed more living space (Lebensraum)
H. Hitler’s Rise 1. promised to end create jobs, end reparations 2. Weimer govt. feared communist political power 3. Offered Hitler position of chancellor-1933 A. Became dictator of Germany within a year B. Suspended civil rights C. Became one-party state. D. Purged his own party
Hitler and Nazi Party moved to build a new Germany. According to Hitler- Germany’s 3 empires 1 st Reich- Holy Roman Empire 2 nd Reich Empire forged by Otto von Bismark 3 rd Reich- Empire built by Hitler, would last for 1000 years.
I. Third Reich Controls Germany 1. Launched large public works projects s put to work 3. Rearmed Germany 4. Totalitarian state a. Nazi s controlled all areas of life b. The SS (Black uniform) were enforcers c. secret police called the Gestapo
J. Campaign against the Jews 1. Nuremberg Laws passed by Nazis Stripped Jews of citizenship 3. Severe restrictions A. couldn’t marry non-Jews B. Barred from German schools C. Barred from govt. jobs, law, medicine, publishing 4. Jews beaten and robbed.
K. Kristallnacht (Night of the broken glass) 1. Hitler staged attack on Jews 2. Mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany, Austria. 3. Made plans for “final solution”.
L. Nazi youth 1. Indoctrinated young people 2. Youth pledged absolute loyalty 3. School books rewritten with racist views 4. Women’s roles limited- wanted them to stay home.
M. Purging German Culture 1. Denounced modern art 2. Condemned jazz 3. Sought to control religion 4. Closed Catholic churches-schools N. Eastern Europe 1. Instability allowed fascist rulers to gain power. 2. Right-wing dictators took control except in Czech. & Finland. 3. Turned to anti-Semitism