Meta-stable Supersymmetry Breaking in Spontaneously Broken N=2 SQCD Shin Sasaki (Univ. of Helsinki) [hep-th/ (M.Arai, C.Montonen, N.Okada and S.S)]
Introduction— meta-stable SUSY breaking Dynamical SUSY breaking hierarchy problem can be solved Witten index highly constrained models are allowed very restricted models are considered before the discovery of the ISS model Witten index never restrict the possibility of meta- stable SUSY breaking vacua [Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (2006)]
The ISS model SQCD with massive flavors IR-free magnetic dual One-loop up-lifting of pseudo moduli Long-lived local minimum Dynamical SUSY restoration Perturbative region Non-pertrubative SUSY restroation [Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (2006)]
Ubiquity of meta-stable SUSY breaking ISS inspired model Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Brane constraction U(1)_R breaking Gauge mediation, finite temperature …. [Ooguri-Ookouchi-Park (2007), Pastras (2007)] [Shih (2007), Ferretti (2007), Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih (2007), …] [Franco-Garcia-Etxebarria-Uranga (2006), Ahn (2007), Ooguri-Ookouchi (2007), Eto-Hashimoto-Terashima (2007), Bena-Gorbatov-Hellerman-Seiberg-Shih (2007), Marsano-Papadodimas-Shigemori (2007) …] [Amariti-Girardello-Mariotti (2007), Essig-Sinha-Torroba (2007), Abel-Khoze (2007), …] [Kawano-Ooguri-Ookouchi (2007), Murayama-Nomura (2007),Aharony-Seiberg (2007), Kitano-Ooguri-Ookouchi (2007), …]
Plan of this talk Introduction Spontaneously broken N=2 SQCD Quantum theory Local minimum – numerical analysis Possible application to phenomenology Summary and future works
Spontaneous broken N=2 SQCD gauge theory with hypermultiplets and FI-term (D-term) The simplest case Global symmetry
Pseudo flat direction Solution of stationary condition of the potential SUSY is broken at tree-level Pseudo flat direction Gauge symmetry U(1)_R is broken
Quantum theory Effective action FI term is tree-level exact [Arai-Kitazawa (1999)] Harmonic superspace analysis, gauge symmetry, U(1)_R charge…. Coulomb branch U(1) gauge theory cutoff theory, Landau pole Seiberg-Witten analysis, Long-lived local minimum [Arai-Okada (2001)]
SUSY effective action Vector multiplet part Light BPS states around singular points M corresponds to dyons, monopoles, quarks Spinor representation of [Seiberg-Witten (1994)]
Prepotential Moduli space Monodoromy transf. subgroup of Same structure with massive SQCD (common quark hypermultiplet mass) is regarded as the mass
Potential Stationary points Singular points : energetically favored !
Solution SW curve Meromorphic differential Periods
Explicit form (Weierstrass functions, elliptic integrals)
U(1) sector
Local mininum Flow of singularities
Dyon points Increasing direction Re(a_1) direction
Im(a_1) direction
Local mininum at a_1 = 0 Local minimum at SUSY and global U(1)_R are broken !
Local minimum SUSY breaking and U(1)_R breaking Runaway direction
Decay rate estimate Long-lived vacuum [Dancan-Jensen (1992)]
Application to phenomenology SUSY breaking effect gauge mediation Messenger sector Gaugino mass Singular point in moduli space (meta-stable vacuum)
Summary gauge theory with hypermultiplets and FI-term We have found a meta-stable vacuum in which SUSY and U(1)_R are dynamically broken (non-perturbative) Long-lived local minimum with runaway SUSY vacuum The model naturally contains messenger sector of gauge mediation
Future works Generalize to arbitrary Geometric realization of the meta-stable vacua : NS5/D4/(D6) M5 (with TN) Embedding the Standard Model gauge symmetry into the flavor symmetry Finite temperature correction