+ Journey of CMDRR- Working with Communities and Government Case from India
+ Presentation Outline 1. Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction: a. Return on Investment (Case study of Community responded in Cyclone) 2. Engaging with Government at three levels/Private Sector 3. Challenges in Up-scaling
+ “Thane Cyclone in South India”- 30 th Dec 2011 How CMDRR pays back? And why should we invest?
+ Difference in CMDRR and NON DRR villages 17 people died and several injured. People took “Early warning” lightly and suffered loss. Fight over “water” and even deaths. No electricity for 30 days People were waiting for Government to click pictures of damaged houses People were “shouting, complaining”.. “ZERO” death in CMDRR village with almost no injury. Timely evacuation of elderly, women and children by trained “task forces”. Pre arrangement of food, water and medicine in rescue shelters. Poles erected by volunteers in 3 days Debris cleared with in 24 hours after disaster People come up with damage assessment, solutions and next course of action. Non DRR VillageCMDRR Village
+ Huge loss of agriculture “Village heads” run away out of fear and public pressure. Non availability of “Safe place” for evacuation No “fund” available at village level Crops were insured. Village heads were trained and remain with villagers from early warning dissemination till evacuation, rescue and relief. Availability of “Rescue shelters” which was made by Community-Government-NGO contribution Villagers were having “Emergency fund” to be used during disasters Non DRR VillageCMDRR Village This all re-enforces the fact that it is WORTH investing in CMDRR
+ Some Facts about India 1 Country 28 States 591 Districts 600,000 villages Disaster Risk Reduction (Community Managed) Policy and Guidelines
+ 2. Engaging with Government Country/National level: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) State Level: State Disaster Management Authority (28)- partly exist District Level: District Disaster Management Authority/Plan (591- supposed to be) At Village/Panchayat level: There is a body called (Panchayat)/PRI but for Development work… not for Disaster Risk Reduction: LOCAL Governance
+ Strengthening Institutions Village level (DRR) plans made by villagers/DRR committees integrated into “Panchayat Plans”… rather “Panchayat making DRR plans * Panchayat is MOST relevant institution at Village level Linking Flagship programmes (rural poor housing, sanitation with DRR, MGNREGA- 100 days employment with DRR)- Lobbying/Advocacy Linkages with “Agriculture Centers” to promote livelihood/agriculture Facilitating “District Disaster Management Plan” (model 2 districts) of Government.
+ Core group at NDMA level ( Policy dialogue and formulation) Role of community in disasters and characteristics of resilient community, Role of NGOs in Disasters Strengthening “School safety”- demonstration and national Policy (with NDMA) Membership with National forums like ‘SPHERE India”…. And chairing National level coordination for “Emergency Response” Demonstrating “Hyogo Framework Action” at field level- practicing Global commitments in the field
+ Private Sector role Global Image: India Shining, which is “partly`’ true. Private sector: Key stakeholder Most of the private sector is medium and small enterprises Government Law: As per Company Act, private companies to give 2% of profit for social sector Mechanisms are yet to be in place: How/where/when? Its an opportunity…
+ Challenges in Up-scaling Non existence or functional: Institutional arrangement especially at State and District level Capacity of institutions (Knowledge gap/use of technology/Early warning) Resource allocation- not priority always (Individual/family/Government) Culture of “preparedness” still missing and “accountability”- Not there…. Still “response” oriented Large country to operate.. Huge resources/time required DRR Vs. private sector is a missing element. Private sector more for soft issues of education/health
+ Thank you