CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Indiana Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing.


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Presentation transcript:

CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Indiana Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing

IN - HPRP IHCDA Community Services Staff  Rodney Stockment, Manager    Kirk Wheeler, HMIS and HPRP Project Director    Susan Shepherd, Accounting    Lori Dimick, Homeless Program Manager    Kelli Barker, Special Needs Representative  

IN - HPRP Allocation Management $725,000 HPRP Allocation $725,000 x 0.65 =$471,250 Direct Assistance Allocation $471,250/36 months =$13,090 Monthly Direct Assistance Allocation $595 Ave. Monthly Assistance $13,090/$590 =22 householdsMonthly Number Served


IN - HPRP Eligible Activities: 4 categories of eligible activities  Financial Assistance  Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services  Data Collection and Evaluation  Administrative Costs Eligible activities are intentionally focused on housing stability  Direct Assistance  Services designed to keep people in housing or find housing

IN -HPRP 1. Financial Assistance Activities  Financial Assistance is limited to the following activities:  Short-term rental assistance  Medium-term rental assistance  Security deposits  Utility deposits and payments  Moving costs  Motel and hotel vouchers  Activities supporting these activities – e.g. providing rental assistance and inspections

IN- HPRP Rental Assistance  Short-term rental assistance – not to exceed 3 months  Short-term participants are allowed to transition to medium-term (aggregate assistance not to exceed 18 months)  Medium-term rental assistance – 4 to 18 months  Eligibility recertified every 3 months  IHCDA will require on-going case management, as needed, to successfully transition participants to permanent housing and independence  No participant may receive more than 18 months of assistance  IHCDA program will use an assessment tool to determine need for short-term or long-term assistance

IN - HPRP Rental Assistance (continued)  IHCDA has chosen to standardize rental support in accord with the HOPWA program. This means that households will pay 30% of their adjusted income toward the rent for the period covered by HPRP support.  Simplified rent calculation forms, as well as the HMIS, will assist in calculation of the applicable household contribution.  Rent Reasonable Standard – Not FMR!!!  Rental assistance cannot be paired with other federal rental subsidies

IN - HPRP Rental Assistance (continued)  Although rental assistance may extend up to 18 months, it must be renewed every 90 days with a re-determination of applicable household rent contribution.  Rent reasonableness will be available from an on-line resource – Go Section8. This will be provided to all HPRP sub recipients without charge but each must use it to determine the rent reasonable level for their region.

IN - HPRP Security and Utility Deposits  In contrast to rental assistance, deposits may be paid with other federal subsidies as long as they cover separate costs  HPRP – Security Deposit paid 12/09  HUD VASH – rental assistance for 12/09 through 11/10 Utility Assistance  Up to 18 months  Paid directly to utility company  Can be paid in arrears up to six months  Member of household have account in their name  Utility crisis must put household in imminent risk of homelessness

IN - HPRP Moving Costs  Truck rental  Hiring movers  Short-term storage (up to three months) Motel and Hotel Vouchers  Voucher for up to 30 days if no appropriate shelter beds are available and housing has not been found  IHCDA program will discourage the use of motel vouchers  IHCDA program will emphasize rapid re-housing!

IN - HPRP 2. Housing Relocation and Stabilization Activities Case Management: funds may be used for arrangement, coordination, monitoring and delivery of housing services designed to assist households obtain and retain housing stability  All case management activities should be tied to address the individualized needs of households to obtain and retain housing stability  IHCDA program will provide services on a “strength based” and recovery model using evidence-based practices  IHCDA will require case managers receive HPRP certification provided by the agency

IN - HPRP Service Components  Counseling aimed to addressing root causes of housing crisis  Developing individualized housing goal plans  Developing, securing and coordinating services and employment  Assuring tenant rights are protected  Developing service plans which address long-term housing stability

IN - HPRP Outreach and engagement  Services and programs to reach homeless and at –risk households  Housing information – Social Serve, etc. Housing Search and Placement  Activities that assist households locating, obtaining and retaining suitable housing  Tenant counseling  Tenant rights and lease education  Securing utilities  Making Moving arrangements  Payee Services  Landlord mediation – teach the household/don’t do it for them!

IN - HPRP Legal Services  Legal services to maintain housing  Legal services related to foreclosure are ineligible! Credit Repair  Financial literacy skills to repair credit

IN -HPRP 3. Data Collection and Evaluation Data Collection  Recovery Act requires use of Homeless Information Management System, or a comparable client-level database  IHCDA program will use HMIS  Client level data will track interventions and outcomes

IN -HPRP Data Collection and Evaluation Subrecipients are required to budget 1.5% of their grant award for Data Collection and Evaluation. IHCDA will use the Indiana HMIS to collect data for HUD reports and client assessment.  IHCDA will charge each Subrecipient 1% of their allocation for Data Collection and Evaluation. IHCDA will be invoice Subrecipients quarterly. IHCDA will use Data Collection and Evaluation funds to:  purchase of HMIS software or licenses  staffing associated with operation of HMIS  HMIS training  costs related to participating in HUD-sponsored research and evaluation as required  Subrecipients may use up to 0.5% of their award for:  leasing or purchasing computer equipment  costs associated with data collection, entry and analysis

IN - HPRP 4. Administrative Costs Eligible costs  Accounting for grant funds  Reports  Audits  Staff Training for HPRP Activities

IN - HPRP Administrative costs  IHCDA Subrecipients may use up to 2% of grant for administration costs. Administration funds may be spent on:  pre-award administration  accounting for use of funds  preparing HUD reports, program audits  post-award administration  administration-related staff costs

IN - HPRP Ineligible HPRP Activities  Construction and rehabilitation  Pay off of credit card and consumer debt  Car repair or transportation  Travel costs  Food  Medical, dental or medicines  Clothing; and  Cash assistance to program participant!

IN - HPRP Eligible Program Participants  All participants must be below 50% AMI  Two Populations  Persons who are still housed but at high-risk of becoming homeless (diversion from entering the homeless assistance system)  Persons who are already homeless but will benefit from short to medium term assistance to achieve long-term housing stability (rapid re-housing)  Both populations are eligible to receive financial assistance and services through HPRP  IHCDA program requires 65% of Direct Assistance funds be used for rapid re-housing


IN - HPRP Each sub recipient will be “pre funded” with approximately 90 days of expected expenditures. Then a monthly reconciliation of expenses will allow IHCDA to draw down HPRP funds sufficient to assure that a sub recipient has sufficient cash on hand to maintain the program. IHCDA plans to fund 30 equal installments for most sub recipients (except for the initial pre funding.) This is subject to monthly monitoring and reallocation if a specific sub recipient appears not to be using its funds.

IN - HPRP A sub recipient may draw down its funds before 3o months but retains a responsibility to track all clients through the end of the three year program. Subrecipients working with Entitlement Cities must make their own arrangements for how to draw down funds. In the Annual Program Report (APR), we expect that HUD will ask that the information contained in the HMIS (client level) reconcile with the financial reports submitted on a monthly basis.

IN - HPRP Bank Accounts Each Subrecipient is required to set up a separate bank account in an FDIC insured bank account solely for the purposes of the IHCDA HPRP funds.  The account may be a checking or savings account and it may be interest bearing.  Any interest accrued is to be used for HPRP expenses and activities.

IN - HPRP Bank Accounts Continued  IHCDA will only have the ability to deposit into this account. It is otherwise entirely the Subrecipient’s account.  IHCDA will disburse HPRP funds to each Subrecipient using an ACH transfer to the Subrecipient dedicated HPRP bank account

IN - HPRP  Each Subrecipient must complete an IHCDA HPRP Direct Deposit Form  The form should be completed by the appropriate financial officer in your agency, who also signs it. The signature of the Executive Director is not required.  The form must be completed and returned to us before we can prefund your account on October 10, 2009.


IN - HPRP IHCDA Subrecipients are required to set up a chart of account that corresponds to eligible HPRP activities. IHCDA Subrecipients are required to complete the IHCDA Chart of Accounts Survey  Return survey to IHCDA, attention Rodney Stockment, ASAP!  IHCDA auditors will review and approve Subrecipient Chart of Accounts prior to funding.  Chart of accounts must include all eligible activities.

IN - HPRP IHCDA Subrecipients are required to generate automated monthly expense reports for eligible HPRP activities. IHCDA Subrecipients are required to have written cost allocation procedures for HPRP eligible activities. IHCDA Subrecipients are required to track staff time for HPRP by eligible activities.  IHCDA prefers an automated accounting system but will except a manual tracking system, such as Excel, provided that there are signed time sheets that track HPRP line items. If requested, IHCDA will assist any Subrecipient set up a chart of accounts.


IN - HPRP Monthly claim vouchers are required to have the following documentation: An automated expense report for eligible activities Check register for all HPRP expenses. Direct Assistance made on behalf of clients must include HMIS generated participant identification number, general ledger account information, address of assistance where appropriate and HUD Activity Number. Check registers can include assistance to multiple participants.

IN - HPRP Monthly claim vouchers are required to have the following documentation: An automated expense report for eligible activities Check register for all HPRP expenses. Direct Assistance made on behalf of clients must include HMIS generated participant identification number, general ledger account information, address of assistance where appropriate and HUD Activity Number. Check registers can include assistance to multiple participants.

IN - HPRP DateCheck #Client NumberHUD Activity No.Loaction Account No.Amount 10/3/ Oak Street, Anderson, IN91001$ SourceHMIS IHCDA Claim VoucherLease Chart of Accounts Check Register Information for monthly claim

IN - HPRP Claim Files: Subrecipients are required to maintain monthly claim files that include all necessary documentation to justify use of HPRP funds. File must be made available to IHCDA auditors upon request.  Claim files must contain documentation in support of HPRP expenses for each month of the grant.  Monthly claim files should be organized on a cash basis (in order of payment) corresponding to the monthly expense report.  Each file should contain monthly expense report, copies of check and check register, and monthly bank statement.  Further documentation, refer to matrix in HPRP Financial Funds Management Procedures


IN - HPRP  Claim Policies  Subrecipients are required to make monthly claims – 12 claims per program year.  Direct Assistance must be claimed monthly. No claims will be reimbursed after 60 days of the liability.  Claims will be processed using web based DMS Claim voucher and report must be complete prior to payment Claim files will be maintained by Subrecipient and audited by IHCDA

IN - HPRP Claims Process  Subrecipient completes and submits monthly report on DMS.  Subrecipient completes and submits claim on DMS.  Until IHCDA receives approval for electronic signature, the Subrecipient will print off claim voucher and return to IHCDA with monthly expense report and check registers for all expenses being claimed.  IHCDA Community Services Staff will review claim voucher, expense report and check register and either approve or disapprove the claim.  Upon approval of claim, Community Services staff will forward the claim to IHCDA Accounting staff to approve and initiate ACH transfer.  Subrecipient is required to maintain claim documentation for monthly claims.  DMS will assist subrecipients tack expenses with grant budget.  Subrecipients will need to track grant obligations. HMIS may assist this process.