† The Elegant Urban Work Horse † The Largest Horse In The World †Stands 19 Hands Tall
The Shire originated the east central English counties of Lincolnshire and Cambridge Shire. Although the first shire was imported to America in 1853, substantial importation did not begin until after the 1880’s. The Shire stands at about 19 hands tall the shire varies in color from bay,brown,black, or grey. From 1990 through 1911 around 6,700 Shires where registered with approximately 80% being native bred.
†Black Hose of Flanders † The First Important American Work Horse † Percherons were registered in1954
The percheron is thought to have descended from the “Black House of Flanders” with additional influence coming from the Andalusia and the Arabian after the Moorish invasion of France in 732 A.D. The first of the draft Breed to come to America and remained the most numerous until surpassed by the Belgian in 1937.After the second world war the tractor virtually destroyed the American market for draft houses. As a result only 58 percherons were registered in 1954.With the renewed interest in the draft horses in the 1960’s registrations rose to 1,253 by 1982.
† The Most Numerous Draft Breed † Belgian Was An “Easy Keeper” † The Belgian Was The First To America
The Belgian originated in the west European lowlands of Belgium. They are direct descendants of the “black horse of Flanders” which existed prior to the time of Julius Caesar around 200 B.C. In 1866 the first Belgians were imported to the united states by Dr. A.G. Van Hoorebeke. “The Belgian Draft Horse corporation of America.” After world war 1 Belgian breeders were among the first to respond to the American farmers desire for a more compact and therefore more economical draft horse.
† Best Known Draft Breed In America † Clydesdale Was Brought To Scottish † Flemish Stallions
The Clydesdale originated in the Clyde river valley of the Scottish country of Lanark when around 1750 Flemish stallions were crossed with native mares. The most influential of these sires was blaze. The Clydesdale was firs brought to north America by Scottish immigrants to Canada around In 1879 the Clydesdale breeders association of the united states was established in Illinois.
† The Heavy Horse Bred To work The Farm † Minor Breed † They Association Was Formed in 1911
The Suffolk originated in the eastern English countries of Norfolk and Suffolk's around They are the only draft horse bred exclusively for farming. By 1953 the drop in demand for draft horses forced the Suffolk association to legally dissolve with the consent of all members. During the 1950’s the number of American Suffolk breeders drooped to three. Between then and 1990 the numbers of Suffolk's in the united states increased from 150 to slightly over 500.