I. DEPARTURE The Call to Adventure: Receiving the Ring; Gandalf telling him the Ring must leave the Shire Refusal of the Call: Frodo tries to give the Ring to Gandalf Supernatural Aid: Gandalf is taken by Saruman, so Frodo does not receive this. Crossing the First Threshold: Leaving the Shire The Belly of the Whale: Frodo gets stabbed at Weathertop by the lord of the Nazgul; Aragorn saves him
II. OVERCOMING OBSTACLES The Magic Flight: the Eagles The Meeting with the Goddess: meeting Galadriel in Lothlorien
THE ROAD OF TRIALS Trying—and failing---to go over the mountain pass of Caradhras Facing the Mines of Moria The cave troll Losing Gandalf Seeing the future in Galadriel’s mirror/Accepting the burden of the Ring Escaping Boromir Leaving the Fellowship Getting lost/Trying to find the way to the Black Gate Smeagol’s attack
THE ROAD OF TRIALS (continued…) Passing through the Dead Marshes Dealing with Faramir The Stairs and Pass of Cirith Ungol Fighting/fleeing Shelob Being taken captive by orcs and brought to the tower Marching with orcs Carrying the Ring closer to Mount Doom as it gets heavier to bear Fighting Gollum and making it to the ledge of Mount Doom
TEMPTATION AWAY FROM THE TRUE PATH: “The Ring is mine.” THE ABYSS: Throwing the Ring into the pit of fire. REFUSAL OF THE RETURN: “I’m glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee…here, at the end of all things.” RESCUE FROM WITHOUT: Gandalf with the Eagles
III. THE RETURN CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD: Waking up in Gondor APOTHEOSIS: Leaving with the elves for the Gray Havens? THE ULTIMATE BOON: Peace for a time; the Shire is saved