Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday 29 April 2014
A number of action items have been achieved including: –Easy English summary of plan is available on our website. –Council’s new website has been launched and we have an accessibility statement. –Supports and Services Directory is available on our website. Achievements to date
Developing a Disability Awareness Toolkit to be made available on our website. Developing an All Abilities Events Checklist to be included as part of Council’s Events Kits (both internal and external events). Meetings were held with responsible units who had concerns about resourcing implications to find solutions and a way forward. This has resulted in some actions being rolled over into the Year 2 Action Plan with resources now identified. Actions progressing
In February, the Sub-committee reviewed the Year 1 Action Plan and developed the Year 2 Action Plan. In March discussions were held with all Council officers who have actions listed in the Action Plan. All officers have agreed to their actions and have been asked to ensure appropriate resources are identified to support the achievement of the actions. Today seeking endorsement of the draft Year 2 Action Plan from the A&I Advisory Committee. Draft Year 2 Action Plan to be presented to Council in June for approval. Year 2 Action Plan to be put into practice in July Year 2 Action Plan:
Wandong Kindergarten Kindergarten Refurbishments
Wallan Kindergarten (Bentinck Street) Kindergarten Refurbishments