The further policy of Latvia ensuring effective management of public assets J.Pūce, State Secretary
Legal framework State can be engaged in business in the subsequent cases: If the market is unable to protect collective interests of a community In sectors with a natural monopoly In strategically important sectors In new sectors In capital intensive sectors In sectors, where is need to achieve the highest standard of quality
Statistic Statistics Latvia is a shareholder in 142 enterprises which includes 74 enterprises where state holds 100% shares At the end of 2009 total asset value of enterprises amounted to LVL 7,15 billions - however the total turnover was LVL 2,26 billions
Statistics More than 52 thousand people were employed in state-owned enterprises; the average profit and turnover ratio was 5.9%in 2009 Total return on equity of state-owned enterprises was 7% in 2009 (financial sector is not included)
Governance State-owned enterprises: Governance is decentralized Managed by the correspondent line ministries Managed in accordance with the state established sector policy and social needs
Disadvantages Low capital return Non-transparent supervision Unprofessional supervision Political aspects of operative decisions State-enterprises which acts as state administrations
Reforms Strategy setting principles for engagement of public person in business activities – aims to reassess the public person (state, local) business: State-owned companies which are based on performing public administrative functions are going to be re-organized into national regulatory authorities The objects whose activities affect public safety and provide important public services are going to be maintained as state-owned companies (Latvenergo, Post of Latvia, International airport, Railway of Latvia, Air Traffic State Forests of Latvia)
Reforms To offer CoM to support for one of the following solutions for public person’s business: Public person is not subject to restrictions for commercial activities Reduce the public person's rights to behave as entrepreneur meanwhile to determine that a public person is able to do a commercial activity if major national (public) interest is required Determine that public person is entitled to do a commercial activity if market failure is identified
Reforms Strategy of state asset management – aims to centralize and improve governance of state-owned enterprises: Developing business apart of sectoral policy issues Centralized public asset management Defined in state capital investment goals Measures for return on assets and value enhancement
Reforms Constantly available data on state assets, a detailed study provided, transparent information ensured, annual reports prepared; Establishment of professional Councils with independent members Reform of Board members salary, linking salary levels to the results achieved Differential applicable dividend policy; Regulary analyzed the state co-partnership in the capital companies
Schedule Strategy setting principles for engagement of public person in business activities : To submit the strategy to the CoM before the end of March, 2011 To submit draft laws and regulations to the CoM for consideration till July, 2011 Strategy of state asset management : A public consultation - April, 2011 To submit the strategy to the CoM before the end of July, 2011 To submit draft laws and regulations to the CoM till the end of 2011
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