Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation NMBP part of Horizon 2020 Nicholas Deliyanakis Deputy Head of Unit Key Enabling Technologies - Strategy DG Research & Innovation European Commission
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Excellent science European Research Council Future and EmergingTechnologies Marie Curie actions Research infrastrutures Industrial leadershipSocietal challenges Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies 24.2 Bio. €* * July 2015 – includes EIT, JRC, "Science with and for Society", "Spreading Excellence / Widening Participation", in addition to three priorities above 16.5 Bio. €* 28.6 Bio. €* Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Total indicative budget: 75 Bio. €*
Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 is different A strong challenge-based approach, allowing applicants to have considerable freedom to come up with innovative solutions Emphasis on innovation, with continuing support for R&D (research and innovation actions with 100% funding; innovation actions with 70% funding) Less prescriptive topics, strong emphasis on expected impact A strategic approach, with two-year work programmes Focus areas bring together different technologies, along entire innovation chain International cooperation and other cross-cutting issues integrated 33
Large part of the Industrial Leadership (~6Bio€) is about mastery and deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) What are KETs? Six strategic technologies Driving competitiveness and growth Contributing to solving societal challenges Knowledge- and Capital- intensive Cut across many sectors European KET Strategy EC Communications (2009)512 & (2012)341 KET High-level Group – final report 'KETs: Time to Act', June Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Micro- and nano-electronics Photonics Biotechnology Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Micro- and nano-electronics Photonics Biotechnology Advanced Manufacturing and Processing
Strategic context: Importance of EU Manufacturing 66% of private R&D investment 2.1 million enterprises (10% of total) 33 million jobs (20% of total) + twice as many indirect jobs via related services Turnover: €7.1 trillion Value added: €1.7 trillion (27% of European value added) Biggest purchaser and user of KETs Huge potential for innovation Source:Eurostat ES 2011"Structure of the business economy" EU-27, 2008, NACE Section D 5
Source: Helping firms grow. European Competitiveness Report 2014 EU Manufacturing in a global context
Policy context: Interplay of Horizon 2020 with EU agenda Sustainable jobs and growth: Strengthening of EU manufacturing Re-industrialisation of EU: 20% GDP goal Digital Single Market: Factories of the Future, '4 th industrial revolution' – link to Digital Single Market EU Energy Union: Energy-efficient Buildings, Materials for Energy, etc. 7
LEIT – NMBP part of Horizon 2020 Guiding principles: Partnership with industry, to stimulate private investment Bring weight of industry to 20% of GDP by 2020 Support for 4 of the 6 Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Biotechnology Advanced Manufacturing / Processing Technology Readiness Levels: Bridging TRLs from 3 to 6-7, with emphasis on expected impact (business cases) Total budget under Horizon 2020: 3.8 billion € Focus on EU Manufacturing in the context of '4th industrial revolution' Enhanced synergies with Societal Challenges To stimulate demand-side actions Circular economy context 8
Leveraging further investment Public – through: -Synergies with ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds) -EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research) 300M€ Private – through contractual PPPs and JTIs: -Factories of the Future 1,150M€, leverage Sustainable Process Industries (SPIRE) 900M€, leverage Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) 600M€, leverage at least 4 -Bio-based Industries JTI (BBI), 150M€ contribution from NMBP EIB instruments Prepare ground for e.g. IPCEIs (projects of common European interest)
Policy innovations, to create favourable conditions Stimulate demand-side actions New skills/training/education (e.g. new types of jobs) Promote Entrepreneurship (e.g. the KIC on Added Value Manufacturing) Knowledge and risk management for products and industries (Corporate social responsibility and product stewardship, circular economy) Financing (e.g. new approaches for SMEs, risk-sharing, risk-financing) Better regulation, Standardisation, Public procurement Better collaboration between the public/private sectors to stimulate investments (e.g. links between Horizon 2020 and European Strategic Investment Fund) New business models
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