RENESENG Kick-off Meeting Athens, November 2013 Sara Giarola Mayank Patel Prof. Nilay Shah Centre for Process System Engineering Imperial College London WP3 Biorenewables value chain network modelling and optimisation
WP3 overall scope This WP innovates with the technology to co-locate biorefineries into existing infrastructures selecting and optimizing business models and supply chains. RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
WP3 Tasks T3.1 Selection of bioconversion production paths, feedstocks and product portfolios (NTUA, UoS, TUD, DLO): The task builds a synthesis approach to address the selection of processing paths. T3.2 Optimization of supply chains under uncertainties in technology and markets (Imperial, NTUA, UoS, CERTH): The task develops biorenewable supply chain components and metrics taking into account uncertainties. RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
WP3 Tasks T3.3 High-level planning and roadmapping: (Imperial, UoS, Arkema). The task combines modelling and optimization support at strategic and operational levels to produce strategic decision roadmaps from available portfolios of feedstocks, chemistries, technologies and business models. T3.4 Prototype production, and transport logistics framework for validation studies (Imperial, UoS, NTUA): The task integrates efforts considering existing infrastructures and will undertake regional biorenewable value chain case studies further recommending solutions. RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
WP3 Milestones RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November MilestoneMonth 3.1Completion of the modelling framework for processing path design Completion of the solution algorithms for processing path design Completion of methodology for optimisation under uncertainty Completion of resource mapping methodology Completion of biorenewable value chain studies 46
M3.1: Completion of the modelling framework for processing path design M3.2: Completion of the solution algorithms for processing path design 2 approaches A. Decoupling between processing parts and the optimisation B. Integration of processing sub-models within the optimisation RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
A: decoupling-based approach in the biorenewable optimisation Biorefinery flowsheeting model and simulation A priori process synthesis RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November Bioethanol production
A: decoupling-based approach in the biorenewable optimisation Biorefinery flowsheeting model and simulation A priori process synthesis Higher level process selection in a spatial optimisation problem RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November Bioethanol production
B: Integration of submodels in the biorenewable optimisation State (i.e. compounds) and task (i.e. processes) in the optimisation model compound and task technical, economic and environmental characterization Energy/mass balances per unit RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
M3.3 Completion of methodology for optimisation under uncertainty What uncertain parameters are we tackling? Yields Costs (CAPEX/OPEX) Energy efficiency Product market prices Uncertain parameters affect process selection Most of these uncertainty parameters are correlated to each other Modelling of uncertain-related indices in the optimisation RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November
M3.4: Completion of resource mapping methodology M3.5: Completion of biorenewable value chain studies Given Product demand Land availability Biomass availability 11 wheat straw catchment area RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November 2013 Determine Best logistics Biomass catchment areas Feedstock mix for a chosen objective function
WP3 Deliverables RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November MilestonesMonth D3.1Platform for the selection of feedstocks, overall process structures and product portfolios considering integration of paths and technologies, together with solution algorithms for the conversion chain problem 24 D3.2Report of metrics essential to model the bioenergy supply chain; Optimization models and reports of the trade-off between economics, processing technology, and supply lines 36 D3.3Spatially resource mapping methodology with spatial visualisation of infrastructures, available resources, land use, etc. will identify the current situation 36 D3.4Design report on the conceptual system to generalize and combine the work in WP3 as a general-purpose tool. Validation case studies to demonstrate the use of tools in W3.1 to W3.3 also to demonstrate the functions of the general-purpose tool 42
WP3 Gantt chart RENESENG Kick-off Meeting 28th November