Captain John M. Cox, FRAeS CEO Safety Operating Systems 1 “Loss of Control, Avoidance, Recognition and Recovery”
Fatalities Flight International
Fatalities Per Million Departures : 1.32 serious accidents/million deps : : : 0.55
Rate of Fatal Accidents 4
CAST/ICAO Accident Taxonomy
CFIT Decreasing 1997 – 2006 – 20 of 89 accidents CFIT or 22.5% 1998 – 2007 – 18 of 90 accidents CFIT or 20% 1999 – 2008 – 17 of 91accidents CFIT or 18.7%
Loss Of Control Continues As The Number 1 Cause Of Accidents – 19 of 89 accidents LOC-I or 21.3% – 22 of 90 accidents LOC-I or 24.4% – 22 of 91 accidents LOC-I or 24.2% Trend is not improving
CFIT vs. LOC-I 8 Commercial Jet Fleet
CFIT vs. LOC-I 9 Commercial Jet Fleet
Results of Business Jet Data Review 35 accidents 14 would have been helped with Upset Training 6 might have been helped with Upset Training Avoidance – Recognition - Recovery 10
Breakdown of LOC-I Training Need 11
Threat Stall is leading cause of LOC-I – NTSB Study 20 LOC-I accidents Veillette Aviation Week May 2009 – 29 LOC-I accidents 13 of 29 on takeoff – usually not recoverable 16 approach and landing – 6 circling approach 12
Loss Of Control Accident Causes Upset Recovery Training Aid rev1
Critical Skills 14
Critical Skills Recognition – What is happening? – Am I stalled? – Avoidance of upset Recovery – Before the upset Stall – After the upset Stall
Colgan 3407
Colgan 3407 – NTSB DFDR Plots Angle of Attack Control Column Pitch
Roll Control Wheel
LOC-I C-5 Near Loss 19 This is the most terrifying video I have seen
Upset Recovery Training History Causes Solutions
Baseline Knowledge Pilots today are not aerodynamicists
Baseline Knowledge Past assumptions were WRONG Many pilot do not know needed aerodynamics Most have not seen a transport fully stalled Simulators do not accurately replicate this portion of the envelope Power out recovery techniques may not work High altitude High drag – Full stall 22
Angle Of Attack Angle of attack (AOA, α, Greek letter alpha)Greek letteralpha is a term used in aerodynamics to describe theaerodynamics angleangle between the chord line of an airfoil andchord lineairfoil the vector representing the relative motionvector between the airfoil and the air. It can be described as the angle between where the chord line of the airfoil is pointing and where the airfoil is going. Wikipedia
Basic Aerodynamics Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators Wild ride DifferentWingsDifferentStallCharacteristics
Basic Aerodynamics Lift Drag Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators How many pilots really understand this?
Basic Aerodynamics Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators Thrust available vs. Altitude At 40,000 feet only 30% thrust is available
Basic Aerodynamics As coefficient of lift increases so does drag There is high drag coefficient at critical angle of attack – stall Powering out of a stall may not be an option
Basic Aerodynamics At stall there is high drag – wing and fuselage At cruise altitude there is limited thrust available Recovery at cruise altitude is different than at 10,000 feet
Stall Characteristics Jets are unstable when stalled Jets will roll when stalled Ailerons are not effective when stalled Angle of Attack must be reduced to regain control
It May NOT Be Possible to Power Out Of A Stall At Cruise Altitude Reduce Angle of Attack Accelerate Recover to NORMAL flight – Monitor “G” loading in recovery
New Stall Procedure Airbus and Boeing have recently changed stall recovery procedure – Reduce angle of attack – Nose down – Wings level – Thrust Increase – Speed brakes retracted – Return to normal flight 31 There will be some altitude loss
Power vs. Pitch 32 Courtesy of Captain Dave Carbaugh
CAA UK 33 3 The standard stall recovery technique should therefore always emphasise the requirement to reduce the angle of attack so as to ensure the prompt return of the wing to full controllability. The reduction in angle of attack (and consequential height loss) will be minimal when the approach to the stall is recognised early, and the correct recovery action is initiated without delay. NOTE: Any manufacturer’s recommended stall recovery techniques must always be followed, and will take precedence over the technique described above should there be any conflicting advice.
Zero Altitude Loss Stall Training Power Out Only 34
Wait a Minute! What if I Am Not Stalled? 12.5 % PUSH-Possibly-Valid Region (20% Chance? ~ 2.5%) 87.5 % PUSH-Valid Region We Can’t Just Push Indiscriminately!!! 4.9 % FAA Upset Definition FAA Upset Definition (45 AOB, +25 & -10 Pitch) Roll (Right) Roll (Left) Pitch (-down) Pitch (+up) + 90 o + 50 o + 30 o + 25 o + 10 o - 10 o - 50 o - 90 o 90 o 180 o 135 o Courtesy of APS Normal flight envelope
Simulator Aerodynamic Model David R. Gingras John N. Ralston
Boeing Study 37
Boeing Study 38
Boeing Study 39
When It Goes Right 40
Fly By Wire Aircraft Some people have said that FBW technology can eliminate LOC-I – Always respect and follow manufacturers guidance Follow SOPs Pilots usually train in conventional aircraft Often Pilots transition to conventional aircraft Pilots need more extensive LOC-I training
How Does This Turn Out?